BNFO 301
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Questionnaire on: Viral Metagenome Project - Initial Analysis / Evolution
(please press SUBMIT button when finished)
Spring 2008

I. Basic Information

A. Your name 
II. Initial Analysis of Metagenome Sequences (2008)
How far along are you in answering Questions 23, 26, and 27 from last Monday's notes?
What holes in your knowledge prevent you from going as far as you would like?

Comments on
Metagenome analysis
III. Manuscript Evolution
  • Are you able to see how manuscripts can be placed in a temporal sequence according to internal clues (such as those shown in Box 1)?
  • Do you see how you might be able to construct a family tree of manuscripts based on similarities and differences?
  • Do you see how all of this might relate to evolution of DNA sequences?
Comments on
manuscript evolution
IV. Meta-questions
How is your contact with CTC people going? have you met? Did screen sharing work? Also, put here any miscellaneous comments, questions, suggestions, concerns you may have.
Comments on
Mentoring, etc


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