BNFO 301 
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Questionnaire #2 on Introduction to BioBIKE
(please press SUBMIT button when finished)
Spring 2008 

I. Basic Information

A. Your name 

II. General Progress

A. Have you posted entries into your BioBIKE log?
    (If not, then please comment below regarding what you need to get started)

B. How far have you gotten in the tutorial, What is a Gene?  
    (You can answer by referring to the last item you addressed (e.g. III.3).

C. How far have you gotten in the tutorial, Alien Genetic Code?  

D. How far have you gotten in Problem Set #2, Molecular Investigations?  

E. General comments on progress:

III. Specific problems

A. List here specific questions you may have about a problem in either Problem Set 1 (Molecular Biology) or Problem Set 2 (Molecular Investigations). I don't mean "I don't know what to do" (we'll deal with that one) but rather "To answer this question, I need to know X, but I don't".

B. List here specific questions raised while working through What is a gene?, particularly concepts that you don't feel comfortable with.

C. List here specific questions raised while working through Alien Genetic Code, particularly concepts that you don't feel comfortable with.

IV. Put here any miscellaneous comments, questions, suggestions, concerns you may have


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