BNFO 301
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Exam 1 Questionnaire
(please press SUBMIT button when finished)
Spring 2008 

If things are going OK, great. But if not, this is the time to set things right. Hence, here we are again with still another questionnaire! This one's anonymous. Feel free to vent your spleen. Even though most questions are multiple choice, free form answers are generally much more informative, and you're certainly invited to ignore the multiple choices and go straight to the boxes at the bottom of each section.

I. This exam

I view exams as focused problem sets, i.e. strong motiviations for all of us to consider a set of questions. So the questions better be worth it. I've tried to use these questions to show you bioinformatics and molecular biology in action, within the limits of what we've covered so far, e.g. their role in biomedical research (Questions 6 and 10) and in understanding nature (Problem 9). But I'd like to hear your views.

A. How long did you spend on this exam? (use appropriate units and scientific notation if necessary)

B. Did you learn something new about nature or science

C. I hope you understand that no one was expected to master all of the questions. Given that, how would you characterize your sentiment right now with respect to your recent experience? Better yet, consider the following suggestions and then write your own answer at the end of this section.

(crushed) The questions run together like so much oatmeal.
(cautiously satisfied) I feel I understood some things -- not as much as I expected.
(elated) Actually,... I thought I DID master all of the questions.
D. It was advertised that the exam would be based on the problem sets and that ability to do the problems would translate to success on the exam. Did you find that to be the case? 

E. Was the exam effective as a learning experience? 
Comments related to the Exam

II. This semester - the content
The course thus far has not focused much on bioinformatic applications (but stay tuned). So please don't worry that thus far the bioinformatic content of the course has been pretty sparse. We've now gone through three units, so you should have gotten the idea how the system works: notes, discovery questions, questionnaires, problem sets. To remind you, here's the semester at a glance:
Unit Means
Introduction to Molecular Biology Notes, problem set, Tours (What is a gene? Alien DNA)
Introduction to BioBIKE Notes, problem sets, Tours
Introduction to Genome Sequences Notes, problem set, Tour through Myers et al (2000)

A. Did you get sufficient background in the molecular biology concepts (starting with protein structure/function) to follow the last two sections? 

B. Given that this is not a course in computer programming, did you get sufficient background in BioBIKE syntax to handle the tasks you've faced thus far? 
If not, what might have enabled you to be better prepared? (answer in box below)

C. The section on genome sequences took you through rather typical problems related to bioinformatics. Did you gain sense about what the problems were about, how they might be solved, and what kind of benefit one would obtain from the solution? 

D. Every once in a while, we paused to smell the numbers. Bioinformatics is all about big numbers, and we need to feel comfortable that we are their masters, not they ours. What did you make of probability and the like? 
Comments related to Content

III. This semester - the means
A. Notes
They're intended to serve as the text and to free up class time for discussion.
      Have they accomplished their intended purposes? 

B. Problem Sets
The problem sets were intended to help you integrate what you've learned about molecular biology within a realistic context. They were also supposed to be somewhat interesting.
      Did the problems help you? 
      Did you find them interesting? 
      Was the feedback you got on problem sets helpful? 

C. Problem Set Days
These are intended to be times when people can pool their insights and advance everyone's cause. We've only had two in class. It might be useful to have them in lab, even though the geography of the room makes this difficult.
      Did they work for you? 
      Would you like to see group interaction extended to labs? 

D. Daily questionnaires
I need these in order to know how best to plan our time. They also may be of some use to you as well, perhaps in helping you assess what you've learned.
      Are they useful to you? 

E. Guided Tours
The idea is that you learn better by doing things, but how can you do things if you haven't learned how? The tours attempt to break this cycle.
      Have the guided tours been useful to you? 

F. Tutoring
A related idea is that you learn better by teaching others to do.
      So far, has tutoring been helpful to you? 

H. Help
The main justification for a class (as opposed to learning from a book) is the opportunity to have a fellow human help you over the rough spots.
      Have you availed yourself of the opportunity of getting help (e.g. from Vern)? 
      If so, did you get what you needed? 
Comments related to Means

IV. Time
I don't believe that I have the ability to teach you much of importance, nor do I believe that the classroom is a place where much learning occurs. I view my role as a facilitator, doing what I can to help the moments of insight come when you are alone and doing battle with a problem.

But arriving at new insights takes struggle, and struggle takes time. Have you put in the time? Do you have the time to put in?

A. About how many hours do you spend on the course outside of class and lab

B. How do you feel about this amount of time? 

C. About how many hours have you spent on BioBIKE outside of class and lab

D. How do you feel about this amount of time? 
Comments related to Time

V. Bottom line
A. Looking back on the first part of this semester, characterize your sense of what you've accomplished. The following choices are primarily for inspiration. You might just as well ignore them and skip directly to the text box below where you can use your own words.

I am gratified by how much I can do now on the computer compared to what I could do before.
I can do things, but I don't understand why I'm doing it.
I am pleased with what I've been able to accomplish.
I am at sea without a rudder.

B. Please put here your bottom line thus far and any other comments that may strike you.


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