BNFO 301 
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Course at a Glance: Grading
Spring 2008 

Problem Sets
Study Questions
Problem sets and study questions lie at the heart of this course. Much time will be spent in class on them, and I expect that you'll spend even more time out of class. I encourage you to hand in your responses to problem sets, particularly to those questions you're unsure about. ...but problem sets will not be graded, at least not directly(see discussion of exams).
Exams Each exam counts equally.
Research Project The research project and the final symposium presentation, will count a lot, a whole lot.
Mentoring Project The mentoring project will be evaluated in a way still to be determined. On-line logs will be an important component.
Attendance Slavery was abolished more than 100 years ago. Come and go as you think best.
Class Discussion Discussion is important to make this course work, but it isn't graded.
Final Grade The final grade will be based on a fuzzy, subjective perception of your entire body of work.
How will I know where I stand in class?
I will provide very detailed feedback for every exam and for some other assignments. Also midway through the semester, we will begin meeting individually on a weekly basis. I believe that from these interactions you should gain a pretty good idea of my views. However, I will not not quantify that which is unquantifiable nor assign any grade until forced to do so by the powers at be, i.e. at the end of the semester. I find that objectifying humans exacts from me a psychic cost, leaving me with less time and energy to do things for the class that would be more valuable. So I won't do it.