BNFO 301 
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Course at a Glance : Where we are
Spring 2008 
Map of VCU academic campus Class
Life Sciences Building North, Room 250

Life Sciences Building, Computer Lab, Room 104

Life Sciences Building, Room 335

From the medical campus, take the Campus Connector to Cabell Library. The shuttle (path in yellow) leaves Sanger Hall every 15 min, arriving at the library (smiley face) about 10 min later. Go past the Commons, across Main St., and by Oliver Hall to the Life Science Center.

(Class) Enter the North building (gray blob just above the red sun), go to the 2nd floor. Room 250 the room furthest south (closest to the main building).

(Lab) Enter the main building through the primary entrance (red sun). Go past the big stairs and turn left. The computer lab is down the hall to the left, visible from the hall through the windows.

(Office) Enter the main building through the primary entrance (red sun). Go to the far west of the building to the stair well. Go up to the third floor. Room 335 is about 1/3 of the way down the hall.