BNFO 301
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Questionnaire on: Tour of Edwards & Rohwer (2005)
Nature Rev Microbiol (2005) 3:504-510

(please press SUBMIT button when finished)
Spring 2007

I. Basic Information

A. Your name 
II. Old business

A. How comfortable are you with the idea of the metagenomic sequence of an environmental sample? 

B. How comfortable are you with understanding from Figure 1 the kinds of genes found in viral sequences from environmental samples? 

C. How comfortable are you with the distinction between a what a phylogeny represents? 
Comments on
previously discussed part
of Edwards & Rohwer

III. New business

A. How comfortable are you with the computational experiment described at the bottom of p.505? 

B. How comfortable are you with the notion of a prophage? 

C. How comfortable are you with the approach described in the notes to estimate the complexity of an environmental sample? 

D. How comfortable are you with the different flavors of Blast? 

E. How comfortable are you with the idea of characterizing genes by their codon usage? 

F. How comfortable are you with the idea of characterizing genes or DNA sequences by their GC content? 

G. Choose study questions that you would most like discussed in class:

SQ11  SQ12  SQ13  SQ14  SQ15  SQ16  SQ17  SQ18 
Comments on
undiscussed part
of Edwards & Rohwer
IV. Loops

A. How comfortable are you with the notion of Loops? 

B. How comfortable are you grasping the general meaning of a loop when represented by colored boxes? 

C. How comfortable are translating the description of a loop in the notes into actual BioBIKE code? 
Comments re

IV. Meta-questions
A. Put here any miscellaneous comments, questions, suggestions, concerns you may have.
    Anything else you'd like discussed?


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