BNFO 301 
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Questionnaire on Introduction to BioBIKE
(please press SUBMIT button when finished)
Spring 2007 

Please note that I will be asking you to submit your BioBIKE Interaction Log on Wednesday. There's no need to duplicate effort here. The current questionnaire can be used for initial impressions, general responses, and problems that warrent immediate attention.

For this and all future questionnaires, feel free to skip the multiple choice and go straight to comments in your own words, which are much more valuable to me anyway.

I. Basic Information

A. Your name 

B. Have you sent in your responses to the personal questionnaire linked from the entry for Wednesday, Jan 17? 

C. How far have you gotten in the tutorial, "What is a Gene?"? You can answer by referring to the last item you addressed (e.g. III.3). 

D. General temperature reading: At this point, how do you feel about programming in BioBIKE?

II. BioBIKE mechanics
A. How comfortable are you with the process of bringing functions from the pallette to the workspace? 

B. How comfortable are you with the process of finding functions from the pallette? 

C. How comfortable are you with the process of filling in values for function arguments (the white boxes)? 

D. How comfortable are you with the process of choosing options to modify the workings of a function? 

E. How comfortable are you with the notion of variables that you define? 
Comments / Questions regarding BioBIKE mechanics?

III. What IS a gene?

A. How comfortable are you with the relationship between a gene and a genome?

B. How comfortable are you with the coordinate system?

C. Provide a statement that describes as accurately and completely as possible your current understanding regarding how a cell determines where a gene begins.

D. Which of the following problems contained in What is a gene? would you like to discuss? Please don't list problems you haven't yet attempted.

Problem 1  Problem 2  Problem 3  Problem 4  Problem 5  Problem 6  Problem 7 

Comments regarding What is a gene?

IV. Put here any miscellaneous comments, questions, suggestions, concerns you may have


REMEMBER TO CLICK SUBMIT! (or click RESET to start over)