BNFO 301
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Questionnaire on: Genome Sequencing
(Hands-on sequencing and gene-finding)

(please press SUBMIT button when finished)
Spring 2007

I. Basic Information

A. Your name 
II. Hands-on assembly
A. How comfortable are you with assembling sequences in a word processor? 

B. How far did you get in assembling the mini-plasmid sequence? 

C. How comfortable are you with what the inverted sequences are and why we should add them into the mix? 

D. How far did you get in calculating the expected plasmid fraction? 

E. Comments on Questions 1 and 2, particularly what you need to make satisfying progress with them.

III. Gene finding

A. How comfortable are you with the meaning of the output of READING-FRAMES-OF? 

B. How comfortable are you with using READING-FRAMES-OF to find genes? 

C. How comfortable are you with the meaning of the output of GeneMark? 

D. Comments on Questions 3 and 4, particularly what you need to make satisfying progress with them.

IV. Problem Set 2: Molecular Biology Investigations

Anything you want to discuss about Problem Set 2?

V. Miscellaneous
A. If there were a review session for the upcoming exam sometime on Wednesday, February 14, how interested would you be in coming?

B. If you responded positively to the previous question, what times on Wednesday would you be able to come? When would you NOT be able to come? 

C. Put here any miscellaneous comments, questions, suggestions, concerns you may have.


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