BNFO 300 
Molecular Biology Through Discovery
Path to class (Thursday, Oct 24)
Jones & Nirenberg (1962) - The genetic code (2)

(please press SUBMIT button when finished)
Fall 2019  

My advice on the matters for the day (as listed in the calendar):

  • Jones & Nirenberg (1962). Here's your chance to make sure you can make sense of any of the tables in this article and make a reasonable stab at analyzing their results, guided by the companion..
  • Problem Set 6: To do Problem Set 6, Question 3, you'll need to understand how the Jones & Nirenberg experiment works. If you don't, come to class either understanding the experiment or armed with a list of issues you need resolved so that you DO understand the experiment.
  • Alien Genetic Code: Pay the site a brief visit, enough to know what's going on and what problems, if any, may be ahead of you.

I. Basic Information

  1. Your name  
II. Old business (no need to repeat anything you've said in a previous questionnaire)
  1. Jones & Nirenberg (1962) Survey of RNA codewords
    Taking into account the companion to Jones and Nirenberg (1962), any concerns about:
    • The goal of their experiment?
    • How the experiment works?
    • The nature of RNA produced by polynucleotide phosphorylase?
    • Any other issues?

  2. Research Proposals
    Do you have a working idea of how your proposal might shape up? Was the investigation of earlier proposals helpful?

  3. Observations vs Conclusions
    Do you have a feel for what constitutes an observation vs conclusion? Was it helpful to consider the question "Did it rain today?"

III. Jones & Nirenberg (1962) Survey of RNA codewords

A. How far have you gotten in Jones & Nirenberg (1962) (and its companion)?
The Alien Genetic Code simulation?

B. Consider how comfortable you are with the following topics regarding these matters:

  • Theoretical expectations of experiment J108, Table 3
  • Interpretation of Table 3
  • How in principle to deduce an alien genetic code
IV. Miscellaneous
Any other comments, questions, suggestions, or concerns you may have?
(nb. Issues concerning your proposal are always welcome)
