BNFO 300 
Molecular Biology Through Discovery
Path to class (Tuesday, Oct 15)
Jones & Nirenberg (1962) - The genetic code; and Crick et al (1961)

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Fall 2019  

My advice on the matters for the day (as listed in the calendar):

  • Crick (1961) et al simulation: I hope you now have an idea how the experiment works. Now is our chance to make it work -- our chance, because working as a group, we can map enough strains to make the final three-mutation strain possible. I advise you to make progress with the simulation (also known as Problem Set 5, Question 5), enough so that you become confident that the task is doable or, alternatively, you come to a realization as to why it isn't.
  • Jones & Nirenberg (1962). Get the general idea of the stakes of this work and the iconic experiment that began the elucidation of the genetic code. I suggest that you consider the companion up to and including Section II.B.
  • Problem Set 5: You might make sure that you are comfortable with the technical aspects of Question #3 (how READING-FRAMES-OF works).

I. Basic Information

  1. Your name  
II. Old business (no need to repeat anything you've said in a previous questionnaire)
  1. Crick et al (1961) and its simulation
    Drawing on the companion to Crick (1961) and the simulation, any concerns about:
    • How the T4 RII/E.coli system works to enable the identification of mutant phages?
    • How to use the simulation to generate suppressor mutations ?
    • How to separate mutation pairs and map mutations?
    • The need for a genetic map and the benefit and possibility of community effort?

  2. Problem Set 5
    Issues regarding any question on Problem Set 5?

III. Jones & Nirenberg (1962) Survey of RNA codewords

A. How far have you gotten in Jones & Nirenberg (1962) (and its companion)?
The Alien Genetic Code simulation?

B. Consider how comfortable you are with the following topics regarding these matters:

  • The overall goal of the work by Nirenberg and others
  • The specific focus of Jones & Nirenberg (1961)
  • The nature of the experiment
  • The nature of RNA produced by polynucleotide phosphorylase
IV. Miscellaneous
Any other comments, questions, suggestions, or concerns you may have?
(nb. Issues concerning your proposal are always welcome)
