BNFO 300 
Molecular Biology Through Discovery
Exam 1: Introduction to Course
(please press SUBMIT button when finished)
Submit by Sunday, August 25 (any time).
This is a hard deadline, intended to insure that you have absorbed
Course at a Glance before Monday's Add/Drop deadline.

(It is also the only multiple choice exam you will have in this course)
Fall 2019 

Basic Information

Your name 
The Questions
Don't try to answer these questions purely on the basis of how they sound to you.
Course at a Glance is a much better source of information.
  1. I have submitted a personal questionnaire.  
  2. I have downloaded and installed Firefox to the computer that I will routinely be bringing to class, since a Firefox-dependent program will be used frequently. I understand that Chrome, Safari, etc., won't substitute.  
  3. I have found the full text of the newspaper article and research article I will be responsible for Tuesday, August 27. Of course I'll also digest it by then as well.  
  4. The chief objective of this course is to help me understand the tools and concepts of modern molecular biology. 
  5. The course focuses on the basic facts of molecular biology, so that by my senior year I might be able to understand scientific articles.  
  6. More than three unexcused absences from class will lead to an automatic Fail. 
  7. It is of utmost importance that I purchase the textbook by the end of the first week and do all the assigned readings within it. 
  8. Filling out the questionnaires enables me to look back on the lectures of the past few weeks and provide feedback regarding what I did not understand so that future classes may be improved. 
  9. I understand that the boundaries for A, B, C, and D grades are 92, 80, 70, and 60, respectively, although curving may be necessary. 
  10. The semester project provides an opportunity for extra credit, by allowing me to summarize current therapies for a disease of my choice. 
  11. Sometimes the textbook may be a bit off, but I can always count on what the teacher says as being correct. 
  12. I can always find out where I stand in the course by going to Blackboard and viewing my posted grades. 
  13. It is important that I have important terms at my fingertips so that I can do well on the timed exams. 
  14. I really appreciate the convenience of whoever wrote this exam putting complicated and sometimes ambiguous statements in my mouth. 
  15. To what degree are you inclined to participate in focused study sessions outside of class led by TAs?

    If you wish to influence when they are held, please cast your vote at this website.  

    For the remaining questions, please accompany each answer with a reference to the section of Course at a Glance that supports it.
  16. Please describe what you see as events leading up to a typical class

  17. Please compare and contrast the role of collaboration in problem sets and exams in this course

  18. Please provide a brief summary of what is required to pass this course and the relationship of these requirements to the course objectives

  19. Please describe your thoughts regarding the feedback that will be provided to you over the course of the semester (including your thoughts on grading)

  20. Have you looked at comments from students in past courses? Please list a particular comment that resonates with you and briefly describe why.

  21. If you have anything else you'd like to say, here's your chance (well, one of many). For example, do you now see something not already present that may help you gain what you want from from this course?
