BNFO 300 
Molecular Biology Through Discovery
Questionnaire on: Brenner et al (1965) Nature of nonsense codons (part 2)
(please press SUBMIT button when finished)
Fall 2018  

My advice on the matters for the day (as listed in the calendar):

  • Brenner et al (1965): The goal is to understand the experiment. If you do, the critical results in Table 5B will become clear. But this is by no means an easy matter. Use the companion and try to identify key concepts that are blocking your way (and then tell me about them).
  • Problem Set 6: Problem 3 may help connect you to the experiments of Brenner et al (1965). You might try looking to it for inspiration. Problem 5 is backwards looking, reinforcing your previous experience with PCR. Take a look at it before class if you like, but not necessary.
  • Critique of a colleague's summary: No need to worry about this. I'll introduce it in class.

I. Basic Information

A. Your name  
II. Old business
  1. Brenner et al (1965) (nonsense triplets)
    companion Any issues on Brenner et al (1965) and itscompanion concerning what we've already covered? The T4 rII system? Suppressor mutations? Suppressor strains?

  2. Alien Genetic Code
    Any remaining problems concerning Alien Genetic Code as seen through the lens of Problem Set 6, problem 4? If so, relate what you have done, what obstacle you've encountered, and in what ways you've tried to overcome it.

  3. Semester Project?
    Issues finding a suitable experiment to summarize?

III. Brenner et al (1965) and its companion

A. How far have you gotten in the companion to Brenner et al (1965)?

B. Consider the following:

  • Do you understand how hydroxylamine leads to a particular kind of mutation?
  • Do you see how the mutations induced by hydroxylamine might lead to insights as to the sequence of suppressible nonsense mutations?
  • Do you understand the experiment that produces set K and set B amber mutants?
  • Do you understand the logic that leads to the elucidation of the sequence of the amber codon?
With this in mind, how would class time best be spent to suit your needs?
IV. Miscellaneous
Any other comments, questions, suggestions, or concerns you may have?
(nb. Issues concerning your proposal are always welcome)
