BNFO 300 
Molecular Biology Through Discovery
Questionnaire on: Gene Regulation and Bacteriophage
(please press SUBMIT button when finished)
Fall 2018  

My advice on the matters for the day (as listed in the calendar):

  • Gene Regulation: You can breeze through most of the nine pages of notes on this topic without much loss. The one exception is Fig. 6. If you come to an understanding of that figure, you've gained most of what the notes have to offer. I suggest that you put most of your effort into Fig. 6 and the ~2 pages discussing that figure.
  • Problem Set 7: Question 5 of Problem Set 7 is intended to help you understand Fig. 6 of the notes by giving you the opportunity to put your fingers on the relevant sequences.
  • Past proposals: It will help the class discussion if you read a couple old proposals. It shouldn't take long, since there is no need to read for deep understanding. Rather, the idea is to see how others approach the task.

I. Basic Information

A. Your name  
II. Old business
  1. Brenner et al (1961) - the rationale and the experiment
    Regarding Brenner et al (1961) and its companion, do you understand the three hypotheses they were trying to test? Do you understand the nature of the experiment(s) they performed? Given your understanding of the experiments, can you understand the results found in the different figures and draw conclusions from them?

  2. Problem Set 7
    Any concerns about Problem Set 7, question 3 (redrawing figures from Brenner et al (1961))?

  3. Research proposal
    Do you have an idea on how to go about preparing an outline of your developing research proposal or a detailed map of your future website?
    If you're translating, do you have an idea how to proceed, based on the guidance offered and the sample website?

III. Gene regulation

A. How far have you gotten in the notes entitled Gene Regulation and Bacteriophage?

B. Consider how comfortable you are with the following and comment below as to how class might be most useful to you:

  • Do you understand the different levels of gene regulation?
  • Do you understand the relationship between transcriptional proteins (like RNA polymerase and repressors) and specific DNA sequences (like promoters and operators)?
  • Do you recognize common features of the sequences of actual promoters and operators in the cI-cro region of lambda?
  • Do you understand how the interplay between the lambda repressor and Cro protein might achieve a stable decision of lysogeny vs lysis?
  • Do you understand the power of regulatory feedback loops?
  • Any other regulation-related issues?
IV. Miscellaneous
Any other comments, questions, suggestions, or concerns you may have?
(nb. Issues concerning your proposal are always welcome)
