BNFO 300 
Molecular Biology Through Discovery
Questionnaire on: Brenner et al (1961) - The discovery of mRNA
(please press SUBMIT button when finished)
Fall 2018  

My advice on the matters for the day (as listed in the calendar):

  • Brenner et al (1961): The goal is to understand the experiment in the context of the period in history in which it was performed. To this end, I would read Section A of the companion like a novel, not worrying much about, say, the results shown in Fig. 4. Get an idea of the three models shown in Fig. 6. Finally, try to grasp the principle behind the main experiment of Brenner et al, illustrated in Fig. 7. That's plenty.
  • Problem Set 6: See if there are any sticking points regarding any problem in Problem Set 6 that we can clear up in class.
  • Old proposals: Look at these beforehand if you like, but no need.

I. Basic Information

A. Your name  
II. Old business
  1. Brenner et al (1965) and nonsense triplets
    Any remaining issues concerning the T4 rII system? Suppressor mutations? Suppressor strains? Hydroxylamine mutation? The experimental logic?

  2. Summary of an experiment described in a research article and Critiques
    Clear on how to write a summary, how to critique someone else's, and how to submit them through the BNFO300 summary blog?

  3. Problem Solving game?
    I doubt that I'm spilling any secrets if I reveal that the point of the PowerPoint game we played to get icons to their proper homes was designed to convince you that when you're mystified as to how to proceed, a good strategy is to proceed anyway, trying things out and seeing where they get you. Was the game useful? Progress? Problems?

III. Brenner et al (1961)

A. Have you gotten the full text of the article? If so, how far have you gotten in it (and its companion)?

B. Consider how comfortable you are with the following topics regarding these matters:

  • The one-gene-one-ribosome hypothesis and how it might be reasonable in light of how viruses were thought to work
  • The basic idea behind the experimental results that brought this hypothesis into question (Volkin & Astrachan, 1956; Belozersky & Spirin, 1957; the results with lacZ)
  • The three models considered by Brenner et al (1961)
  • The general idea behind their density shift experiment (illustrated in Fig. 7 of the companion)
IV. Miscellaneous
Any other comments, questions, suggestions, or concerns you may have?
(nb. Issues concerning your proposal are always welcome)
