BNFO 300 
Molecular Biology Through Discovery
Questionnaire on notes: Hemoglobin and Perutz et al (1965)
(please press SUBMIT button when finished)
Fall 2018  

My advice on the matters for the day (as listed in the calendar):

  • Install browser that can run the hemoglobin tutorial: See advice for details (refresh the page). In brief:
    • If you will be using a PC, download and install portable Firefox ESR version 52.
      The version of Firefox you already have will almost certainly not work with the tutorial
      You will need to play some straightforward games with Java to get the tutorial on the screen.
    • If you will be using a Mac, try Safari (and let me know if it works or not)
  • Hemoglobin Tutorial: Section III of the companion should be of help. Parts 4 and 5 (maybe 6) are the most important parts of the tutorial. Shouldn't be a big time expenditure.
  • Perutz et al (1965): Make sure you've downloaded the right article, then skim Sections I and II of the companion to the article. Section III is more important -- it takes you through the Hemoglobin Tutorial. The main event is Sections IV through VI. You'll need Protein Explorer (and the right browser).
  • Problem Set 3, Problem 3: Look over this, if you like. I hope we'll do this in class.
  • Bibliography: Don't worry about this. I'll present it in class.

I. Basic Information

A. Your name 
II. Old business (no need to repeat anything you've said in a previous questionnaire)
  1. Sanger & Tuppy (1953)
    Anything further you'd like to discuss regarding the article Sanger & Tuppy (1953) and its companion?
    Do you understand how to go from observations (raw chromatographic results) to conclusions (sequence of peptides)?
    Were you able to answer Study Question 17 (creating two chromatograms that led to the conclusions listed in Sager & Tuppy's Table 3 Spot 1)?

  2. Problem Set 2, Problem 4
    Progress in the community project? Any issues?
III. Hemoglobin Tutorial
A. Were you able to access Hemoglobin Structure?
    Any problems finding an appropriate browser? If so, please describe in as much detail as possible.

Consider how comfortable you are with the following topics (as defined by the Hemoglobin tutorial and the companion to Perutz et al):

  • The different ways protein structures are presented graphically, pros and cons
  • The overall structure of hemoglobin
  • The basis for the formation of alpha helices
  • The role of hydrophobicity in the formation of hemoglobin
  • Study questions 3 through 15

With this in mind, how could class time best be spent to meet your needs?
As always, refer to specific matters and relate your current understanding and efforts you've made to address your discomfort.
Do you have any other questions concerning the material in the notes?

IV. Perutz et al (1965)
A. Have you found and downloaded the article Perutz et al (1965) cited in the companion?
    Are you sure you got the right one? How do you know?

B. How far have you gotten in a productive reading of the article?
    You can answer by referring to the last section you read or the last study question you addressed (e.g. SQ12) in the companion.

Consider how comfortable you are with the following topics (as defined by the companion to Perutz et al):

  • The overall questions addressed by the article
  • The connection between Fig. 1 and Table 2
  • Study questions 1 and 2
  • Were you able to bring whale myoglobin into Protein Explorer?
  • The significance of invariant amino acids in the structure of globin
  • The significance of prolines in the structure of globin
  • The role of hydrophobicity in the formation of hemoglobin
  • Study questions 16 through 32

What specific problems have you encountered in considering these issues?
What have you tried to resolve these problems?
With all of this in mind, how could class time best be spent to meet your needs?

V. Miscellaneous
Any other comments, questions, suggestions, or concerns you may have?
