BNFO 300 
Molecular Biology Through Discovery
Questionnaire on: Crick et al (1961): Determining the length of the codon
(please press SUBMIT button when finished)
Fall 2017  

My advice on the matters for the day (as listed in the calendar):

  • Crick (1961) et al and its companion: This article is not easy to read and more than most requires you to have a good grasp of the underlying experiment. I suggest that you devote most of your efforts to the first three pages of the companion and the first page of the article, focusing on the experimental system. You will almost certainly want to avail yourself of the resources described to help you inthis task, e.g. one or both of the cited Scientific American articles.
  • Simulations of Crick (1961) et al: The simulations may help you understand how the experiment works, saving you grief as you read the article. There will be more time for devoted to this next week.
  • Problem Set 5: Do Problems #1 and #2 outside of class. They should either take almost no time, or you'll find them nearly impossible. In the latter case,bring questions to help you move forward. We will probably use class time for problems #5 and #6.
  • Research Proposal: There may be time in class for people to present the most important article in their bibliographies and/or great changes in your proposal. Be prepared to present (maybe 1 to two minutes).

I. Basic Information

A. Your name  
II. Old business
  1. Crick (1958) and the coding problem
    Any parting thoughts on the companion to Crick (1958)?


III. Crick et al (1961)

A. How far have you gotten in Crick et al (1961) and its companion? The simulation? The alternative graphical simulation?

B. Consider how comfortable you are with the following topics regarding Crick et al (1961):

  • The prediction of the loop code shown in Fig. 2 of the companion
  • Mutagenesis by acridines
  • Recombination between two phages
  • The nature of suppressor mutations as relevant to Crick et al (1961)
  • How to construct new mutant T4 phages
  • What the double and triple mutants say about the genetic code

C. Choose up to five study questions that you would most like discussed in class and explain why.

IV. Miscellaneous
Any other comments, questions, suggestions, or concerns you may have?
(nb. Issues concerning your proposal are always welcome)
