BNFO 300 
Molecular Biology Through Discovery
Questionnaire on notes: Hemoglobin and Perutz et al (1965) (Part 2)
(please press SUBMIT button when finished)
Fall 2017  

My advice on the matters for the day (as listed in the calendar):

  • Hemoglobin Tutorial: If you weren't able to go through this tutorial (e.g. because you didn't have the right browser), go through it now. Section III of the companion should be of help. Parts 4 and 5 (maybe 6) are the most important parts of the tutorial.
  • Perutz et al (1965): Main topic for today (Sections IV through VI). You'll need Protein Explorer (and again the right browser and updated whitelist) to do the experiments with protein structure.
  • Problem Set 3: You can look over Problems 2-4, if you like. We'll work on them in class.
Research Proposal
  • Bibliography: I'll present this in class.

I. Basic Information

A. Your name 
II. Old business (no need to repeat anything you've said in a previous questionnaire)

A. Perutz et al (1965) (Sections I and II)
     Anything further you'd like to discuss regarding the overall questions addressed by the article Perutz et al (1965)?
        (see also its companion)?
     Do you understand the connection between Fig. 1 and Table 2?

B. Hemoglobin tutorial
     Anything further you'd like to discuss regarding the tutorial on Hemoglobin Structure?
        (see also the companion, Section III)
     Were you able to run the tutorial? (if not, did you try the suggested fixes?)
     Do you understand the different graphical representations of protein?
     The basis for alpha helix formation? How hydrophobicity contributes to globin structure?

C. Problem Set 2.4 (as a community)
     Any final thoughts on your efforts to recreate the work of Sanger & Tuppy?

III. Perutz et al (1965) (Sections IV through VI)
  1. Were you able to run Protein Explorer? (If not, did you try the suggested fixes?)
    If you still can't run the program, please describe what you did and what happened:

  2. How far have you gotten in a productive reading of the article (i.e. doing as you read)?
    You can answer by referring to the last section you read or the last study question you addressed (e.g. SQ12) in the companion.

  3. Consider how comfortable you are with the following topics (as defined by the companion to Perutz et al):
    • Were you able to bring whale myoglobin into Protein Explorer?
    • The significance of invariant amino acids in the structure of globin
    • The significance of prolines in the structure of globin
    • The role of hydrophobicity in the formation of hemoglobin
    • Study questions 16 through 32

    What specific problems have you encountered in considering these issues?
        What have you tried to resolve these problems?
    Do you have any other questions concerning the material in the notes?

IV. Miscellaneous
Any other comments, questions, suggestions, or concerns you may have?
