BNFO 300 
Molecular Biology Through Discovery
Questionnaire on notes: DNA Structure (part 2)
(please press SUBMIT button when finished)
Fall 2017  

My advice on the matters for the day (as listed in the calendar):

  • DNA Structure (X-ray diffraction): If you haven't yet learned how X-ray diffraction works and satisfied yourself how the structure of DNA can be derived from the famous X-ray diffraction pattern, this would be a good time to go through the DNA Structure notes (Section C) and the tutorial.
  • DNA Structure (Section D, palindromes): Palindromes are more than word games, they're basic functional elements of natural DNA sequences, and you need to learn how to recognize them. Look over the DNA Structure notes (Section D), particularly Study Questions 15 and 17.
  • Mini-article: As you may have noticed, making sense of real research articles is seldom easy. This exercise is intended to help you learn how to approach them. Come having read the mini-article and addressing the advice on how to handle it.
  • Problem Set 4: You can look over Problems 4.2, 4.6, and 4.8 if you like. We'll work on them in class, as time permits.
  • Exam 2 Coming Attractions: We'll go over this in class, but be sure to submit the Exam 2 availability survey by the end of the day.

I. Basic Information

    Your name  
II. Old business (no need to repeat anything you've said in a previous questionnaire)
  1. DNA Structure (Sections A and B)
    Anything further you'd like to discuss regarding the issues presented by the the notes DNA Structure (Sections A and B)?
    Interpretting Chargaff's data?

  2. DNA Structure (Sections C)
    Anything further you'd like to discuss regarding the issues presented by the the notes DNA Structure (Section C) and the tutorial on X-ray diffraction?
    Do you understand how to interpret the famous X-ray diffraction picture to get much of the structure of DNA?

  3. Problem Set 3
    Anything further you'd like to discuss regarding Problem Set 3?
III. DNA Structure (Sections D - palindromes)

Consider how comfortable you are with the notes DNA Structure (Section D), the nature of a DNA palindrome and their biological roles.
What problems have you encountered, and what have you tried to resolve them?

IV. How to read a research article
Have you read through the mini-article (describing an experiment concerning DNA replication) and the suggestions how to go about reading it?  

What questions did you generate concerning the article?
Any progress answering them?
Any other issues arising from this exercise?

V. Miscellaneous
Any other comments, questions, suggestions, or concerns you may have?
