My advice on the matters for the day (as listed in the calendar):
- DNA Structure: You might just skim Section A and B of the notes, but try to understand Figure 5 (Study questions 3 through 6 may help). As for Section C, do whatever's necessary to gain a basic understanding of X-ray diffraction and respond to Study Questions 7 and 8. One or more of the links in tis section may do it for you. Certainly consider thetutorial on X-ray diffraction (see below).
- Diffraction -- distance vs spacing: This tutorial addresses what is the primary difficulty people have in understanding diffraction as a tool to determine structure.
- Build your own DNA: This simple investigation will allow you to recreate what Jim Watson did to come up with antiparallel, complimentary strands of DNA.It won't tax you too much.
- Problem Sets 3 and 4: You can look over Problems 3.4 and 4.2 if you like. We'll work on them in class.
I. Basic Information
- Your name
II. Old business
(no need to repeat anything you've said in a previous questionnaire)
- Perutz et al (1965)
Anything further you'd like to discuss regarding the issues presented
by the article Perutz et al (1965) and its
- Problem Set 3
Anything further you'd like to discuss regarding
Problem Set 3?
(Of course, you'll be getting individual feedback on what you handed in)
- How to create a Bibliography
Anything further you'd like to discuss regarding
building a focused bibliography?
III. DNA Structure
- How far have you gotten in the notes
DNA Structure?
Refer, perhaps, to the last study question you addressed (e.g. SQ12).
- Have you tried your hand at
building your own DNA? If so, how did it work out?
- Consider how comfortable you are with the following topics (in the notes DNA Structure):
- The tetranucleotide hypothesis and why if true it would make it impossible
for DNA to be the genetic material
- The Chargaff rules and how they were found
- How the double slit experiment works
- How the helical structure of DNA and internucleotide distances
can be discerned from Franklin and Gosling's x-ray photograph
(did the notes on diffraction do any good?)
- The biological significance of Watson and Crick's model and how they arrived at it
(model building)
IV. Miscellaneous
Any other comments, questions, suggestions, or concerns you may have? Finding a mentor? A problem to focus on?