A. Were you able to access
Hemoglobin Structure and run
Protein Explorer? Any problems?
(If you are not able to get the tutorial to run, here's a
possible solution)
B. Were you able to bring whale myoglobin into
Protein Explorer?
Consider how comfortable you are with the following topics (as defined by the Hemoglobin tutorial and the companion to Perutz et al):
C. The different ways protein structures are presented graphically, pros and cons
D. The overall structure of hemoglobin
E. The basis for the formation of alpha helices
F. The role of hydrophobicity in the formation of hemoglobin
G. Study questions 1 and 2
With this in mind, how could class time best be spent to meet your needs?
As always, refer to specific matters and relate your current understanding and efforts you've made to address your discomfort.
Do you have any other questions concerning the material in the notes?