A. Have you found and downloaded the article Sanger & Tuppy (1953) cited in the
Are you sure you got the right one? How do you know?
B. How far have you gotten in a productive reading of the article?
You can answer by referring to the last section you read or the last study question you addressed (e.g. SQ12) in the companion.
Consider how comfortable you are with the following topics (as defined by the companion to Sanger and Tuppy):
C. The distinction between a research article and a review article? Between a research article and a science news article?
D. The overall strategy Sanger & Tuppy used to determine the sequence of insulin
E. What paper chromatography is and how it works (did the
presentation on paper chromatography help you?)
F. Study questions 1 through 9
With this in mind, how could class time best be spent to meet your needs?
As always, refer to specific matters and relate your current understanding and efforts you've made to address your discomfort.
Do you have any other questions concerning the material in the notes?