A. Have you found the Perutz article?
B. How far have you gotten in the companion to that article? Refer, perhaps, to the last study question you addressed (e.g. SQ12).
C. How far have you gotten in Hemoglobin Structure? Refer, perhaps, to the last section and view you completed (e.g. 4, View 7).
Consider how comfortable you are with the following topics (as defined by the companion to Sanger and Tuppy):
D. The different ways protein structures are presented graphically
E. The basis for the formation of alpha helices
F. The role of hydrophobicity in determining the three dimensional structure of proteins
G. How to Protein Explorer
H. The significance of invariant amino acids in the structure of globin
I. The significance of prolines in the structure of globin
With this in mind, how could class time best be spent to meet your needs?
Choose up to five study questions, those that you have already struggled with, that you would most like discussed in class:
SQ10 SQ11 SQ12 SQ13 SQ14 SQ15 SQ16 SQ17
SQ18 SQ19
SQ20 SQ21 SQ22 SQ23 SQ24 SQ25
SQ26 SQ27 SQ28 SQ29 SQ30 SQ31 SQ32 SQ33