Introduction to Bioinformatics (Fall 2003)
Questionnaire on notes: PSSM - the program
(please press SUBMIT button when finished)

I. Basic Information

A. Your name 
II. How to write a routine to make a PSSM
A. Were you able to download and get to run? 

B. Were you able to make sense out of its output to the extent of figuring out whether or not the program worked? 

C. How comfortable are you about the theory of calculating uncertainty and information content? 

D. How comfortable are you about what you need to do to PROGRAMM the calculation of uncertainty and information content? 
Comments for questions II.A through II.D:

III. Hashes
A. How comfortable are you with the notion of hashes and what they're good for? 

B. How much progress have you made in implementing the calculation of information content, using a loop that makes use of a hash? 
Comments for questions III.A through III.B:

IV. Miscellaneous
A. Please choose up to four study questions from the notes that you would most like discussed in class:
SQ1  SQ2  SQ3  SQ4  SQ5  SQ6 

B. Put here any miscellaneous comments, questions, suggestions, concerns you may have. In particular, is there anything left over from Friday's notes you want to discuss?



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