A. Were you able
to download and install Blast successfully to your own computer?
B. Were you able to download
the set of proteins from E. coli K-12 and from one of the two pathogenic
E. coli to your own computer?
C. Were you able to run FormatDB
to create a database of proteins from E. coli K-12?
D. Were you able to run BlastAll
to compare the set of proteins of the pathogenic strain against the database
of K-12 protein, producing a file with a size of about 40 megabytes?
E. Were you able to examine
a portion of the output of the program ?
Comments for questions II.A
through II.E: |
A. How comfortable
are you with interpretting and using character classes in regular expressions,
to the extent that they are used in Blast Parser? Example:
my ($query, $query_description) = /^Query=\s+(\w+)\W+(.+)/;
B. How comfortable are you
with interpretting and using repetition symbols in regular expressions,
to the extent that they are used in Blast Parser? Example:
my ($query, $query_description) = /^Query=\s+(\w+)\W+(.+)/;
C. How comfortable are you
with interpretting and using expressions that capture matched patterns,
to the extent that they are used in Blast Parser? Examples:
($query, $query_description)
= /^Query=\s+(\w+)\W+(.+)/;
= $3;
D. Please choose up to three
study questions that you would most like discussed in class:
SQ6 SQ7 SQ8 SQ9 SQ10 SQ11
Comments for questions IV.A
and IV.D: |
V. Miscellaneous
A. Put here any
miscellaneous comments, questions, suggestions, concerns you may have.
E.g., Need 1-to-1 help with Perl? Wondering why we need Perl at all? Aaaargggh?
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