Introduction to Bioinformatics - Biol 591


What makes E. coli kill?
Comparison with harmless sister strain provides clues

Too much success
Excited by the prospect of identifying the protein unique to E. coli O157:H7, understanding the basis for its pathogenesis, and winning the gratitude of Burger Kings everywhere, you use a standard bioinformatics tool, BLAST, to compare the set of proteins encoded by E. coli K12 with the set encoded by E. coli O157:H7. Those proteins identified by BLAST to be in O157:H7 but not K12 are immediately candidates for closer inspection.

Unfortunately, the output you get from the protein is a file several tens of megabytes in length, much bigger than the entire body of Shakespeare’s plays, and much less interesting reading. Surely the answer you seek is in that huge file.

How can you rework the massive output
into something you can comprehend?

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