Reversal of Fortune

One possibility is that the numbers actually are four-byte numbers, and the other four bytes of the field are somehow skipped (perhaps hold the number 4, the length of the actual data in the field).  This theory has the advantage that if it's correct Perl will do all the work for us, so it's easy to check. Changing the d packing codes to x4N gives
all0001, 0, 0, c, unknown protein
-- not as weird as the previous attempts, but surely an open reading frame can't start and end at the same nucleotide.

Using x4V instead gives exactly the same result as x4N.

SQ5: Why?

We could try Nx4 and Vx4; they give
all0001, 3228790784, 1082961920, c, unknown protein
all0001, 7369664, 11570240, c, unknown protein

Let's abandon that idea, and go back to thinking of $orf_left and $orf_right as eight-byte numbers. At this point we might hit on the idea of reversing those numbers before decoding them, by one of two methods:
The fly in the ointment is that Perl doesn't have a "reverse d".  However, we can do something equivalent with some hand-written Perl code.

SQ7: How?

Answer here.