Biol 591 
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Problem Set 6 - Microarray Analysis
Fall 2002 
PS6.1: Bypass for parsing input lines

If you feel discouraged about your efforts to write a subroutine get data out of the input file, don't fret. Input and output is what programmers are paid to do. Researchers might well concentrate their efforts on the meat of the program. ... and you can! Just follow the simple steps below.

1. Download the file called

2. After the line use strict; near the beginning of your program, include the following line (watch for capitalization):

use Parse_Line;
3. At the beginning of the loop in your MAIN PROGRAM, include the following lines:
$gene_name = gene_name_data($_);
@expression = expression_data($_);
@quality = expression_data($_);
   - You're free to name the variables on the left (in green) anything you like.

   - The use of $_ as shown is appropriate if you input lines with a statement like:

   while <TRAINING_SET> {
   - If instead you assigned input from the input file to a variable, then use the variable in place of $_
     This would be appropriate if you input lines with a statement like:
   $line = <TRAINING_SET>;
That's it!
(Good luck)