Revelation 17: 1
And there came one of the seven angels
which had the seven vials, and talked
with me, saying unto me, Come hither;
I will shew unto thee the judgment of
the great whore that sitteth upon many

The great whore (latter day spiritual Jerusalem) who is mentioned
in Rev.17:1 is the lamb-like Beast of Rev.13:11. The one head
(lamb-like Beast) is one of the seven heads that are upon the
Beast in Rev.13:1. The head (lamb-like Beast) received a wound
from the Lamb’s (Man-child of Rev.12:5) two edge sword
(two edge scroll),
see Rev.13:14, ref. to the wound by a sword.
The whore (one head) causes all to receive a mark (wine cup) in
their right hand (accepting the cup) or forehead (drinking the wine),
see Rev.13:16.

The great whore who sits upon many waters (nations; peoples, see
represents the Little Horn (latter day Babylon) that arises
in Dan.7:8. The Little Horn speaks great things and blasphemes against
the Lamb and Chosen Vessel. The mouth (speaker) of the (Babylonian)
Beast is the one head (great whore; Great Christian Nation) of the
seven heads (leading Christian nations) that are upon the Beast.
The head speaks great things against the Truth and influences the other
heads and horns upon the Beast (Christendom). In Rev.13:11, the
lamb-like Beast (great whore) SPEAKS like a Dragon by rejecting
the Seven Seals Revelation.

The seven heads upon the Beast represent the seven divided lots of old
Palestine, see Josh.18:5,6. The seven heads are the seven mountains (lots)
symbolized as seven women (seven capital cities of the seven mountains),
see Is.4:1; Eze.23:2-4. The seven mountains (seven capital cities) which are
represented as seven women, are symbolized as seven heads upon the Beast,
see Rev.13:1; 17:3; Dan.7:24.

The whore in the past was old Jerusalem (one woman; one head; one
who rebelled against God’s Word spoken by the Prophets.
The latter day parallel of old Jerusalem (whore) is the Great Christian
Nation (one head; lamb-like Beast; Little Horn) who rejects the
Seven Seals Revelation. The great whore’s (Great Christian Nation)
judgment comes during the one symbolical hour of her reign. The whore
rejected the Lamb who prophesied for half an hour. Thereafter will also
reject the Chosen Vessel with the Bride who prophesies again for
half an hour.

Rev.17: 2
With whom the kings of the earth have
committed fornication, and the inhabitants
of the earth have been made drunk with
the wine of her fornication.

The kings of the earth are the horns (nations) that are upon the Beast in
Rev.17:3; Rev.13:1; Dan.7:24. The great whore has many names (scarlet
woman; lamb-like Beast; Little Horn; one head; type of old Jerusalem;
latter day Great Christian Nation).
The whore causes all the heads
(leading Christian nations; women) with the horns (coming out of
the heads)
to be drunk with her (the great whore; one head; Great
Christian Nation)
doctrine (religio/political ideals).

The Great Christian Nation (whore) causes all nations to be drunk with her
democratic ideals (wine). All the people of the world wonder after the Beast,
see Rev.13:3; Rev.17:8.

The heads (Christian nations) and the horns (other nations) are made
drunk with the whore’s wine (doctrine), because they rejected the Lamb’s
Seven Seals Scroll (two edge sword). The Lamb is the Elijah messenger
who comes before the great and dreadful day of the Lord’s anger (Sixth
see Rev.6:12-17; Mal.4:5. When the whore (Great Christian
rejected the Lamb’s Seven Seals Scroll, it was at that time that
she was revealed to be a whore.

The Great Christian Nation caused all the world (heads and horns upon the
Beast of Rev.13:1)
to be deceived into rejecting the Lamb (Man-child) who
came and revealed the Seven Seals Scroll (Reward of Rev.22:12) of Rev.5:1.
The whore (Great Christian Nation) deceives the inhabitants of the earth
into rejecting the Lamb and thereafter his Bride, by making fire (satellite
come down from heaven upon the earth (television screens),
see Rev.13:13.

The lamb-like Beast (Great Christian Nation) deceives the people of the
earth, causing them to believe that the Lamb and his Bride are deceivers,
when in fact the Lamb is the Elijah messenger (see Mal.4:5) who comes to
warn the earth prior to the Sixth Seal being fulfilled. The lamb-like Beast is
the false Elijah who uses the spiritual fire (satellite transmissions) to
deceive the inhabitants of the earth into rejecting the Seven Seals Revelation.

The people who have rejected the Elijah message (Seven Seals Revelation)
will not be prepared for the coming of the great and dreadful day of God’s
fierce anger, see Ps.18:8,9; Is.2:12; 13:6-10; Jer.50:23-25; Joel 1:15;
2:1,11,31; Amos 5:18; Oba.1:15; Zeph.1:7,14-18; 2:2,3; Mal.4:5;
Rev.6:12-17. The whore has made all kingdoms and nations upon the
earth drunk with the wine (doctrine: religio/political) of her fornication.

The Great Christian Nation is a great whore. She (great whore) was married
unto the Lamb, yet she plays the harlot with all other nations. Jerusalem of old
was also married to Christ, yet she committed whoredom with foreign nations,
causing God to put her away into captivity. The Great Christian Nation (great
has rejected the seed (Seven Seals) of her husband (Lamb), and
instead receives seed (knowledge and goods) from foreign nations. To
reject Present Truth is to reject God. If God’s Truth is not written in your
forehead (mind), then there is an Abomination in its stead.

Rev.17: 3
So he carried me away in the spirit into
the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit
upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names
of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten

The woman (typified by Jerusalem) sitting upon the Red Dragon Beast
(Christendom) is the Great Christian Nation who controls the whole
Beast (all the heads and horns). The lamb-like Beast in Rev.13:11
is now shown as a woman, which in the past was old Jerusalem.

The red Beast that carries the woman (lamb-like Beast; false prophet; one
is the Beast of Babylon after it heals from its wound, see Rev.13:3.
The Beast in Rev.17:3 has healed from the deadly wound inflicted by the
sword (Rod of Iron) which the Man-child (Lamb) had, see Rev.6:4; 12:5.
The Babylonian Beast (Red Dragon Beast) is full of names of Blasphemy
(Christian ideals) written on the seven heads (minds) of the Beast,
see Rev.13:1.

The scarlet Beast is in the spiritual wilderness, revealing it has healed from its
wound. When the wound of the Babylonian Beast healed, the Lamb’s Bride
(woman of Rev.12:6,14) led by the Chosen Vessel (typified by Moses)
fled to the spiritual wilderness. The Lamb’s Bride flees to the spiritual
wilderness because the Abomination (Christian doctrine) is sitting in the
spiritual temple of the people’s minds. The Abomination (Christian idealism)
which sits in the spiritual temple (mind) of the people, reveals that the Seven
Seals Revelation has been rejected and the Beast has healed its wound, see
Rev.13:3. The Babylonian Beast prior to receiving a deadly wound, is seen
in Rev.13:1.

In the past, the ten horns that are upon the red Beast symbolized the ten tribes
of united Israel who received their inheritance within the seven lots (seven
, see Josh.18:5. The seven heads that are upon the red Beast represent
the seven mountains (lots), as each mount (lot) represented a capital city
(head). There are only ten horns (ten tribes) coming up out of the seven
heads (seven lots; seven mountains). The tribes of Reuben, Gad, and
half the tribe of Manasseh took their inheritance outside the Promised Land,
to the east of the river Jordan.

The Promised Land was divided into seven lots (seven heads; seven
mountains; seven women)
, see Josh.18:5. The tribes of Israel including
the tribe of Manasseh and Ephraim, make a total of thirteen tribes.
Subtract the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half the tribe of Manasseh
(who received their inheritance on the east side of Jordan) and
eleven tribes (including the other half of Manasseh) remain.
Subtract from the eleven tribes the tribe of Levi (The Levites have
no part in the inheritance as they have the priesthood)
and there
now remains ten tribes who received their inheritance within the
seven lots of the Promised Land (Palestine).

After the tribe of Reuben, Gad, half the tribe of Manasseh and the tribe of
Levi are subtracted from the other tribes, only ten tribes (ten horns) remain
in the seven lots (seven heads), see Josh.18:6,7. The blessing which was
given to Joseph in Gen.49:22-26 is fulfilled by the Great Multitude of
Rev.7:9, who return to God’s Kingdom at the Sixth Seal. Joseph had
two sons: Manasseh and Ephraim, yet it was Ephraim who received the
greater blessing see Gen.48:17-19. The house of Joseph received a double
portion for his sons, see Eze.47:13.

Rev.17: 4
And the woman was arrayed in purple
and scarlet color, and decked with gold
and precious stones and pearls, having
a golden cup in her hand full of
abominations and filthiness of
her fornication:

The woman (whore) has the attire of a queen. In the past, old Jerusalem
was a queen, see Jer.7:18; 44:17. The latter day queen (Great Christian
has become a whore by refusing the Lamb (Man-child of Rev.12:4,5)
who came with his Reward (double sided scroll). The Great Christian Nation
is decked with all manner of precious jewels and clothed with the attire of a
queen that was given to her (woman) by God.

Old Jerusalem was also described as having jewels and fine clothing, see
Eze.16:10-17,22,30. The woman (whore) described in Rev.17:4,15, is
the Great Christian Nation which controls the Babylonian Dragon Beast.
The great whore causes Christendom (Beast: heads and horns) to drink
of her wine cup which is full of abominations (Christian ideology)
contrary to the Lamb’s Seven Seals Scroll.

The Babylon that is mentioned in Jer.51:7-12, is the latter day Great Christian
Nation (typified by old Jerusalem) that became confusion (Babylon). The
great whore has rejected the Lamb and his Seven Seals Scroll. The Lamb
(Man-child of Rev.12:5) is the Elijah messenger of Mal.4:5, who came to
prepare a people. The Remaining Bride prophesies again to Seal a people
(Remnant) with the knowledge of the Seven Seals Scroll.

The 144,000 (Remnant) shall stand in the great and dreadful day of God’s
anger (Sixth Seal). The whore of latter day Babylon (Christendom) destroys
many by peace. The latter day Babylon does not prepare the people for God’s
coming (Sixth Seal). Therefore God is angry and will punish the rebellious who
have scorned and ridiculed the revealed scroll of the Lamb and Chosen Vessel.

The Rider (Lamb) upon the Horse (Bride) in Rev.6:4 comes to take peace
(false beliefs)
from the earth, being the peace (deception) of Babylon
(Christendom) which causes many to be destroyed, see Dan.8:25. The
Gospel (sword) of Christ 2,000 years ago was a spiritual Sword of Truth
and not peace, see Mt.10:34. Present Truth is as a sword which
divides the people.

The spiritual sword confounds the language (doctrine) of Christendom,
as God confounded the people who were building the Tower of Babel,
see Gen.11:1,7-9. The great whore is the image (reflection) of the
heavenly whore (Lucifer). The description of Lucifer (whore) in
Eze.28:12-18 parallels the great whore of Rev.17:4; Eze.16:10-15.

Rev.17: 5
And upon her forehead was a name written,

The woman (mother; great whore) is one of the seven heads (seven women
of Is.4:1)
that are upon the Beast in Rev.13:1; 17:3. All the seven heads
(seven women)
have blasphemy written on their foreheads (minds), see
Rev.13:1. The heads are drunk with the wine (doctrines) of the great whore
(Great Christian Nation). The mother (great whore) typifies old Jerusalem
when the Israelite Kingdom was united. Jerusalem was the head (mountain)
of the southern tribes of Judah and Benjamin (two horns on the lamb-like
Beast of Rev.13:11).

The city (woman) Jerusalem was the mother (capital) of all the other six
women (mountains; lots) when Israel was united with a king. The harlots
(women) are the other Christian (spiritual Babylon) nations (six heads; six
who do what their mother (great whore; Babylon: confusion) says.

The mother (great whore) nation is the Great Christian Nation who has made
drunk the kings (horns; nations) of the earth, see Rev.17:18. The Great
Christian Nation is typified by old Jerusalem who rebelled against God’s
Word continually. The Great Christian Nation in the latter days has a whore’s
forehead (mind) and refuses to be ashamed, see Jer.3:3.

The whore is drunk with her wine (Christian ideals) of abominations (false
and has killed the Prophets. She (great whore; mother; Great
Christian Nation)
has caused all to drink of her wine (Christian ideals) cup.
All the heads (leading Christian nations) are drunk by her wine (doctrine:
religio/political abominations)

The great whore has rejected the Lamb’s bread of life (Hidden Manna).
The Hidden Manna (Seven Seals) was to prepare (Elijah message) the
world for the coming of the day of God. The Man-child (Lamb) of
Rev.12:5 is the Elijah messenger who was sent before the coming of
the great and dreadful day of God’s anger.

Only the wise who eat the scroll and understand shall escape the terrible
day of the Almighty. The wise (Elect) will have God’s new surname (Koresh)
written in their foreheads (minds; see Rev.14:1), after they eat (understand)
the hidden scroll (manna) see Rev.2:17.

Rev.17: 6
And I saw the woman drunken with the
blood of the saints, and with the blood of
the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her,
I wondered with great admiration.

In the past, the woman (great whore) that killed the Saints (who followed
the Words of God; Present Truth),
represented the great city Jerusalem,
see Jer.2:30; Mt.23:37. The woman (old Jerusalem) also crucified Christ
2,000 years ago. In the latter day parallel of the past, the woman (great
is the Great Christian Nation (great city). The great whore has
spiritually killed all the Prophets by rejecting the messenger of God.

The Great Christian Nation has physically killed the latter day Lamb
(Man-child of Rev.12:5)
, see Rev.11:8 ref. to the great city (Great
Christian Nation)
who killed their (Bride’s) Lord (Man-child of

Some of the Lamb’s Bride were killed on February 28 and April 19th 1993,
with the Lamb (Man-child). The Bride who was killed on April 19th 1993
are the souls under the altar, see Rev.6:9,10. The souls under the altar are
waiting until their Fellowservants (martyred Firstfruits) and those of the
Brethren (Remaining Bride) are killed, see Rev.6:11.

The system (Babylonian Beast) resurrects (heals from its wound) and
begins the 1,260 day (42 month) time period, see Rev.11:2; 12:6,14; 13:5.
The Great Christian Nation (wounded head of Rev.13:3) resurrects the
wounded system (Christian ideals) of peace (deception) and kills the
remainder of the Bride with the Fellowservants (not including the living
144,000 Firstfruits, see Rev.12:17; Lev.23:17 ref. to two wave loaves:
dead & living Firstfruits)

During the 1,260 day (42 month) time period, the Chosen Vessel with the
Remaining Bride prophesies again, see Rev.10:11. The Remaining Bride
re-sounds the seven trumpets (Seven Seals Revelation) of Rev.8:1,2. The
Remaining Bride prophesies again for the latter part of the one hour of
Babylon’s reign. The Great Christian Nation (one head) was wounded on
April 19th 1993, by the Lamb’s two edge sword (two sided scroll). The
Lamb was killed on April 19th 1993, which began the 2,300 day (evenings
and mornings)
prophecy, see Dan.8:14.

The Great Christian Nation (wounded head) resurrects in Rev.13:11,
revealing that its wound has healed. After the wound heals, the system
of Babylon also heals and continues for 1,260 days (42 months), see
Rev.13:5. At the end of the 2,300 day prophecy the Sixth Seal
(cleansing of the spiritual sanctuary)
shall be fulfilled. The 42 month
(1,260 day) prophecy ends at the same time that the 2,300 day prophecy
ends, which is the time when Babylon (Christendom) falls, as God’s
manifested Kingdom causes the deception in the spiritual sanctuary
(minds) to cease.

Rev.17: 7
And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst
thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of
the woman and of the beast that carrieth her,
which hath the seven heads and ten horns.

17: 8
The beast that thou sawest WAS, and IS
BOTTOMLESS PIT, and go into perdition:
and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder,
whose names were not written in the book of
life from the foundation of the world, when
they behold the beast that WAS, and IS NOT,
and YET IS.

The Babylonian (Christian) Beast that John the Revelator saw in Rev.13:1
(prior to the wound)
is the same Beast of Rev.17:3 (having healed from
the wound).
The Beast WAS: meaning, prior to the Beast receiving its
deadly wound, see Rev.13:1. The Beast which WAS is Babylon with
crowns upon its horns.

The Beast rejected the Lamb and his Seven Seals Scroll and became Babylon
(confusion). All nations are giving their power and strength unto the Beast
instead of the Lamb, see Rev.17:12,13. Therefore, the Beast that WAS
refers to the Beast of Rev.13:1 (Dragon of Babylon) having crowns upon
its horns (rather than its heads). The Babylonian Beast is in three parts:
prior to receiving its wound, during the wound, and healing from its wound.

The Babylonian (Christian) Beast of Rev.13:1 received its first wound upon
one head (Great Christian Nation) on April 19th 1993. The Beast that
WAS refers to the Babylonian Beast prior to receiving the wound from the
Lamb’s two edge sword (two edge scroll). The Lamb’s sword wounded
the Beast (Christendom) by causing a division among the people. Therefore,
the deceptive peace of Christendom was wounded.

The Beast that IS NOT refers to the Babylonian Beast during the time of its
wounded state. The wound caused the peace (deception) of Babylon
(Christendom) to be wounded as it were to death. Therefore, the Beast of
Rev.12:13 had its system of peace cast unto the earth (grave: bottomless pit).

The Lamb (Man-child of Rev.12:5) wounded the Beast of Babylon on
April 19th 1993, with his Rod of Iron (two edge scroll see Rev.5:1; two
edge sword see Rev.13:14; 19:15).
The Lamb with his Seven Seals Scroll
(sword; Rod of Iron) came to take the peace (deception) of Babylon
away from the earth, see Rev.6:4; Zec.1:8-15; Mt.10:34-39. By peace
the latter day Babylon (confusion: Christendom) destroys many people,
see Dan.8:24,25; 11:21-23. None of the wicked shall understand these
things but the wise shall understand, see Dan.12:10.

The Beast that WAS refers to the Beast of Babylon prior to receiving its
deadly wound upon its head (Great Christian Nation).

The Beast that IS NOT refers to the Beast of Babylon having received
its first fall from the Man-child’s Rod of Iron, see Rev.12:13; 13:3.

to the Beast that IS NOT (in its wounded state), having resurrected from
the earth (grave), see Rev.13:3. The head (the Great Christian Nation)
rises from the bottomless pit (earth), see Rev.13:11.

The head upon the Beast (which was wounded) has two horns coming
out of it, being the lamb-like Beast of Rev.13:11. The two horns represent
the past tribes (kings) of Judah (one horn) and Benjamin (second horn).

The Beast of Rev.13:1 is the Beast that WAS, referring to the Beast prior to
receiving its wound from the Man-child.

The Beast in Rev.13:3 is the Beast that IS NOT, referring to the Beast
which was wounded to death by the Rod of Iron by the Man-child,
see Rev.12:5.

same Beast of Rev.13:3 that has resurrected from the grave (earth; bottomless
pit, see Rev.13:3,11)
after a short time period, and continues for 1,260 days
(42 months)

At the end of 1,260 days (42 months), the Beast of Babylon (Christendom)
falls a second time. Babylon is fallen (wounded on April 19th 1993), is fallen
(second time at the Sixth Seal). The Beast that resurrects out of the
bottomless pit (grave) is on its way to perdition (destruction); to the l
ake of fire, see Rev.19:20. The people upon the earth SHALL WONDER
after the deception (peace) of Christendom, showing that the wound has
healed, see Rev.13:3; 17:8.

When the head (Great Christian Nation) of the Beast heals, this gives life
to the Beast (Christendom), see Rev.13:15. The same system which destroys
many by peace, fully heals and returns to the condition as it was prior to the
Lamb inflicting the wound with his Rod of Iron. By peace (deception) the
Dragon of Babylon destroys many. Therefore the people who dwell upon
the earth wonder after the system (Babylon: confusion; religio/political)
that destroys many by peace. The wise shall understand that the great and
dreadful day (Sixth Seal) of the Lord is at hand. Those who escape the literal
sword of God will be the ones who have eaten of the Lamb’s Scroll of Life.

The Chosen Vessel with the Remaining Bride prophesies again during the
second half hour of Babylon’s reign. The second half hour began when the
system which was wounded resurrected and began the time period it is
allowed to continue for, being 1,260 days (42 months), see Rev.11:2; 13:5;
Dan.12:7,11. During the same time period (1,260 days) the woman (Bride)
prophesies again in the spiritual wilderness, see Rev.12:6,14. The 1,260 days
(42 months) represents the latter part of Babylon’s one hour reign. Babylon
reigns in two parts.

During the first half hour, Babylon rejected the Lamb with the Seven
Seals Scroll and was wounded (the Beast that WAS).

Babylon remained wounded for a short period of time (the Beast IS NOT).

After a short while the Beast healed, being the Beast that ASCENDS FROM
and continues for 1,260 days (42 months).

The 1,260 days is the symbolical time of half an hour (second half hour)
when the Chosen Vessel with the Remaining Bride must re-sound (prophesy)
the seven trumpets (song of the other side of the scroll), see Rev.8:1.

The 1,260 days is the final half hour of the one hour of Babylon’s reign. The
Chosen Vessel reveals the other side of the scroll which pertains unto the
Remaining Bride’s destiny which concerns the bringing forth of her spiritual
children. After this has been accomplished, she too shall be killed,
see Rev.11:7; 13:7.

The one hour of Babylon’s reign ends at the same time that the 1,260 day
(42 month) time period ends, which begins the Sixth Seal. Babylon that WAS
(prior to receiving its wound) rejected the Lamb who prophesied for half
an hour of the one hour of Babylon’s reign.

On April 19th 1993, Babylon (Christendom) received a wound (the Beast

1,040 days after the wound was inflicted (on April 19th 1993) the wound
healed (the Beast that ASCENDS FROM THE BOTTOMLESS PIT).
Babylon being healed continues for 1,260 days (42 months).

The Chosen Vessel with the Remaining Bride prophesies again for the last
half hour of Babylon’s reign. Babylon comes to its end at the Sixth Seal,
when the symbolical one hour comes to an end, see Rev.18:2,10,17. The
hour of temptation mentioned in Rev.3:10 is the hour of Babylon’s reign.

Rev.17: 9
And here is the mind which hath wisdom.
The seven heads are seven mountains, on
which the woman sitteth.

Only the mind which has wisdom can clearly show the meaning of all prophetic
mysteries. No man can reveal the scroll of God but the Lamb of God who
comes with his Reward. The Lamb gave his Reward (scroll) unto the Chosen
Vessel, see Rev.10:8-11. John typifies the latter day Chosen Vessel and the
Remaining Bride who received the scroll from the Lamb (Man-child of

The Chosen vessel is equal with the Lamb. The scroll is written on one side
concerning the Lamb (groom). The other side of the scroll is written concerning
the Chosen Vessel (woman of Rev.12:6,14). The Lamb and the Chosen
Vessel are the Two Witnesses which are written upon each side of the
double sided scroll, see Rev.5:1; Zec.5:1,3.

The seven heads upon the Beast in Rev.13:1, Rev.17:3; Dan.7:23,24, are
seven women (capital cities), see Is.4:1. The seven women were the capitals
(heads) of each of the seven lots, see Josh.18:6. The holy mountain refers to
Jerusalem, see Dan.9:16. The seven mountains (land of united Israel) which
the woman (Jerusalem) sits upon, refers to the time when the kingdom of
Israel was united under the one head (Jerusalem) during the reign of David
and Solomon.

In the latter days the Great Christian Nation (great whore; typified by
sits upon all the other Christian nations (mountains; women)
of the Beast, see Rev.17:3.

In Zec.6:1, the two mountains represented the two kingdoms of divided Israel.
The mount of Samaria ruled the ten tribes and the mount of Jerusalem ruled
the two tribes. Jerusalem (mountain) was the capital of the southern land
where the two tribes (two horns) of Judah and Benjamin were situated.
Samaria (mountain) was the capital of the northern area of Palestine, see
Zec.5:9, ref. to the two women (Samaria and Jerusalem). See also Zec.6:1,
ref. to the two mountains (two kingdoms of Jerusalem and Samaria).

Prior to the division of the two kingdoms of Judah (two tribes) and Israel
(ten tribes), the seven mountains had each a capital city over certain tribes
(horns), see Amos 4:1; Jer.15:9. The seven heads in John’s day became
the seven churches which were lodged in Asia minor. In the latter days
the seven heads represent the leading Christian nations.

And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and
and when he cometh, he must CONTINUE A

The seven kings refer to the seven kingdoms which had ruled the city of
Jerusalem. In Rev.13:2, it gives a list of the past kingdoms we are to begin
counting from, however the list in Rev.13:2 is in reverse order. Only the
Chosen Messenger who has wisdom can understand the prophetic mysteries.
The Revelation is withheld from the wicked until God reveals the mysteries
through the Chosen Vessel, who unseals (opens) the mysteries in God’s
Seven Seals Scroll.

The Lamb gave his Reward (Seven Seals Scroll) unto the Chosen Vessel.
The Chosen Vessel with the Remaining Bride shall gather their spiritual
children (Firstfruits) before the coming of the great and dreadful day
of God’s anger.

In Rev.13:2, the first Beast listed (in reverse order from Dan.7:3-8) is a
DRAGON. The Dragon represents the kingdom of old Egypt who had taken
control of Jerusalem (see 2Kin.23:34-37) prior to the Babylon of old taking
Jerusalem. The Dragon is descriptive of Egypt, see Eze.29:3. Therefore, the
first kingdom of the seven kingdoms in Rev.17:10, is revealed to be the old
kingdom of Egypt (Dragon of Eze.29:3).

In Rev.13:2, the second Beast listed (in reverse order from Dan.7:3-8) is a
LION. The Lion represents the kingdom of old Babylon who had taken
control of Jerusalem, see 2Kin.24:1. Babylon took control of Jerusalem after
Egypt had control of Jerusalem. The Lion represents Babylon, see Dan.7:4.
The two wings being on the back of the Lion (see Dan.7:4) reveals that
the Lion represents the second kingdom which had ruled over Jerusalem.
In Dan.2:31, the image (statue) is of a beautiful woman (Jerusalem). The
head of gold in Dan.2:32, represents the old kingdom of Babylon, see
Dan.2:38. Therefore, the second kingdom is the old kingdom of Babylon
(Lion of Rev.13:2;Dan.7:4).

In Rev.13:2, the third Beast listed (in reverse order from Dan.7:3-8) is a
BEAR. The Bear represents the kingdom of Medo/Persia who had control
of Jerusalem, see 2Chr.36:20-23. The Medes/Persians took control of
Jerusalem by defeating the kingdom of Babylon. The Bear represents the
Medes/Persians, see Dan.7:5. The three ribs in the mouth of the Bear (see
reveals that the Bear represents the third kingdom which had rule
over Jerusalem. In Dan.2:31-32, the breasts and arms of the statue
represent the kingdom of the Medes/Persians who ruled
after the kingdom of Babylon, which is represented by the gold head, see
Dan.2:38,39. Silver is inferior to gold, therefore the Medo/Persian (silver)
kingdom was the kingdom which came after Babylon (gold head). The
third kingdom is the kingdom of the Medes/Persians (Bear of Rev.13:2;

In Rev.13:2, the fourth Beast listed (in reverse order from Dan.7:3-8) is a
LEOPARD. The Leopard represents the Grecian empire which had control
of Jerusalem, see Dan.8:3-7, 20-22. Grecia took control of Jerusalem by
defeating the Medes/Persians. The Leopard represents Grecia, see Dan.7:6.
The four wings on the back of the Leopard (see Dan.7:6) reveals Grecia to
be the fourth kingdom which had control over Jerusalem. In Dan.2:31-32, the
image (statue) has a belly and thighs of brass (copper). Copper is inferior to
silver, showing that it is the kingdom after the silver of the Medes/Persians,
see Dan.2:39. The fourth kingdom is the kingdom of Grecia (Leopard of
Rev.13:2; Dan.7:6)

The Beast in Dan.7:23 represents the Dragon (Egypt) which is listed in
Rev.13:2 without crowns upon its horns, showing that Babylon (crowned
horns, see Rev.17:12;13:1)
has not began its one hour reign. The latter
day system of Egypt (horns without crowns) became united Babylon
(crowned horns)
when they rejected the Lamb and his Seven Seals Scroll
(the Elijah messenger). In Dan.7:7, the fifth kingdom is the latter day
Dragon that has no crowns upon its horns, showing that this is latter day
Egypt. Latter day Babylon reigns after latter day Egypt. Latter day Egypt is
represented by the Beast that is listed in Rev.13:2 as a Dragon.

The Dragon that is listed in Rev.13:2 is the image of the Dragon Beast of
Rev.12:3, which has no crowns upon its horns. The Dragon’s (Egypt’s)
heavenly reflection (image) in Rev.12:3 has crowns upon its heads at the
time prior to the Lamb sounding his Seven Seals Song. The Dragon (Egypt)
of Rev.12:3 has become Babylon, shown by its having crowns upon its horns,
see Rev.13:1.

In Dan.2:33, the statue’s (woman) legs of iron represent the fifth kingdom.
There are five kingdoms including old Egypt which came before old Babylon.
The fifth kingdom is the Dragon Beast, which represents latter day Egypt,
see Rev.12:4. Latter day Egypt is symbolized as the Beast that has no
crowns upon its horns, revealing that latter day Babylon has not yet

When the Man-child (Lamb with the Seven Seals Scroll) was spiritually
born (sounds his song of seven trumpets, see Ps.40:3; 2:7; Rev.8:1,2),
the Beast of Egypt became the Beast of Babylon. In Dan.2:40 the kingdom
shown is the Dragon Beast of latter day Egypt, see Rev.12:4. Egypt (Beast)
is represented by the Beast that has no crowns upon its horns as revealed
by Egypt’s heavenly reflection (image) which is the Great Red Dragon of
Rev.12:3. The Egyptian Beast reigns, prior to the Man-child of Rev.12:5
being spiritually born (sounding his song) and prior to the Beast receiving
crowns upon its horns.

In Rev.17:10, the five kingdoms (kings) which have fallen are:
old EGYPT (old Dragon; Egypt of the past; typifies latter day Egypt),
old Babylon (Lion),
Medo/Persia (Bear),
Grecia (Leopard),
(5) latter day Egypt (Dragon Beast with no crowns upon its horns).
The five kingdoms which ruled Jerusalem have passed (fallen).

In Rev.17:10, the ONE THAT IS represents the Beast of Babylon in the
latter days, prior to receiving its deadly wound upon one (Great Christian
of its seven heads by the Lamb’s Rod of Iron (two edge scroll;
two edge sword), see Rev.13:1. The Babylonian Beast in Rev.17:3 is the
same Beast of Rev.13:1. The Beast of Rev.13:1 is Babylon prior to receiving
its first wound upon the one head (Great Christian Nation) from the
Man-child’s Rod of Iron, see Rev.12:5.

In Rev.17:10, the kingdom that has NOT YET COME, represents the
Dragon Beast of Babylon in Rev.12:13. The Babylonian Beast had its system
of peace (deception; that destroys many, see Dan.8:25) cast to the ground
(grave; wounded to death) for a short period of time. After the Daily (Lamb)
was taken away (killed on April 19th 1993) the Abomination was reset up
(wound healed) after 1,040 days had passed.

When the wound healed, from that point there remained 1,260 days
(42 months)
of the 2,300 day prophecy, see Dan.8:13,14. The Daily
was taken away on the same day (April 19th 1993) the peace of
Babylon’s system was wounded. After a short period of time (1,040 days)
the wound healed, which left 1,260 days (42 months) remaining of the
2,300 day prophecy.

The Babylonian Beast system received its deadly wound on April 19th 1993.
From the time that the Beast was wounded on April 19th 1993, to the 1,040
days (the time that the wound healed), is the time period that the Babylonian
Beast (Christendom) had not yet healed (NOT YET COME).

In Rev.17:10, when he (Babylonian kingdom) does come (wound healed)
refers to the second phase of Babylon’s reign, signifying when the wound has
healed and the Babylonian Beast is allowed to continue for a short space (half
of the one hour).

The ‘short space’ is the second half hour of the one hour of Babylon’s reign,
see Rev.8:1, ref. to SPACE of half an hour. The symbolic one hour of
Babylon’s reign is the hour of temptation, see Rev.3:3,10; 8:1; 9:15;
11:13; 14:7; 17:12; 18:10,17,19.

The ONE THAT COMES in Rev.17:10, represents the resurrection of the
Dragon Beast of Babylon (system of Peace). The Beast ascended
from the earth (bottomless pit; grave), see Rev.13:11.
The head (lamb-like Beast) of the Babylonian Beast ascended (resurrects)
from the grave (see Rev.13:11), causing the image of the Beast to have life,
see Rev.13:15.

In Dan.2:42, the toes and the feet of the statue (woman) are mixed, partly
of iron and partly of clay, revealing the latter kingdom of Babylon (confusion)
having crowns upon its horns. The ten horns (kings; kingdoms) have given
their strength unto the seven heads (leading Christian nations), who are
controlled by the one head (Great Christian Nation), see Rev.17:13,18;
Dan.11:6,23. The feet mixed with iron and clay of Dan.2:42,43 and the
Beast of Dan.7:24,25, represent latter day Babylon (Christendom).

In Rev.17:10, there are seven kings (kingdoms) and five are fallen:
(1) old Egypt (fallen),
(2) old Babylon (fallen),
(3) Medo/Persia (fallen),
(4) Grecia (fallen),
(5) latter day Dragon of Egypt with no crowns upon its horns (fallen),
(6) ONE IS. The ONE THAT IS, is the Beast of Babylon that has
crowns upon its horns (see Rev.13:1), prior to receiving its first deadly
wound. The one that has NOT YET COME is the Dragon Beast of
Babylon wounded to the earth (see Rev.13:3) by the Man-child’s
Rod of Iron, see Rev.12:5. The latter part of Rev.13:14 reveals the
Babylonian Beast was wounded by the Lamb’s two edge sword
(Rod of Iron; two edge scroll) on April 19th 1993 , see Rev.12:5; 6:4;
this refers to the Dragon Beast of Babylon who resurrects in Rev.11:7 from
the bottomless pit (grave); as the head (lamb-like Beast) causes the whole
Beast to be healed, see Rev.13:3,11.

The Beast’s wound healed and the Babylonian Beast ascended from the
earth (bottomless pit; grave). When the head (Great Christian Nation)
healed (see Rev.13:11), the whole Babylonian Beast healed and became
the image (reflection) of the Babylonian Beast prior to its wound, see

Babylon (Christendom) prior to its wound and Babylon (Christendom)
healing from its wound are the same religio/political system. The Babylonian
Beast healed its wound and is the image (reflection) of the first Babylonian

The seven kings are:
(1) old Egypt,
(2) old Babylon,
(3) Medo/Persia,
(4) Grecia,
(5) latter day Egypt,
(6) latter day Babylon prior to wound (first half hour of Babylon’s reign),
(7) healing of latter day Babylon (the second half hour of the symbolic one
hour of Babylon’s reign).

And the beast that was, and is not, even he
is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth
into perdition.

The Beast that WAS is the Babylonian Beast of Rev.13:1 prior to the
Beast receiving its first deadly wound. AND IS NOT refers to the Beast
having been cast unto the earth by the Man-child’s Rod of Iron, see

The Beast of Babylon had its system of peace wounded to death, see
Rev.13:3. The Beast that WAS is the Beast of Babylon prior to receiving its
wound (sixth kingdom). AND IS NOT refers to the Babylonian Beast
during its wound that is now to be counted in addition to the seven kingdoms,
thereby the kingdom which was previously the seventh becomes the eighth
kingdom, see Rev.17:11.

When the Babylonian Beast is wounded AND IS NOT, in this instance the
wounded Beast is counted as the seventh kingdom. HE IS THE EIGHTH
is when the Babylonian Beast has already healed from its wound and the
one head (lamb-like false prophet) causes all to worship the image of the
Beast (eighth kingdom), being a reflection of the Beast before the wound
(sixth kingdom).

The Beast THAT WAS (prior to wound) and IS NOT (during wound)
and GOETH INTO PERDITION (after healing from wound) describes
the three phases of the Beast:

(1) Prior to the wound, (2) During the wound, (3) Resurrecting from the wound.

The three phases of the Babylonian Beast are represented by the 666 of
Rev.13:18. During the third phase of the Beast of Babylon (after it heals)
it continues for 1,260 days (42 months). After the fulfillment of the 2,300
day prophecy God’s Kingdom is manifested at the Sixth Seal.

And the ten horns which thou sawest
are ten kings, which have received no
kingdom as yet; but receive power as
kings one hour with the beast.

The ten horns (kings) rise and are given power with the Babylonian Beast,
beginning from the time that the Lamb sounded (revealed) his Seven Seals
Scroll (seven trumpets of Rev.8:2,6). The Beast of Babylon (ten horns
having received power; crowns)
was wounded on April 19th 1993.
Thereafter the Babylonian Beast healed from its wound.

The Chosen Vessel with the Remaining Bride (woman of Rev.12:6,14) now
prophesies again for the last half hour (1,260 days) of Babylon’s reign. With
the wound being healed, Babylon (Christendom) is allowed to continue for
1,260 days (42 months) until the Sixth Seal (cleansing of the sanctuary);
which is the time that Babylon shall receive its final and fatal wounding.
Babylon is fallen (wounded on April 19th 1993), is fallen (Sixth Seal; end of
2,300 days)
, see Rev.14:8; Dan.8:14; Is.21:9.

When crowns are upon the horns of the Babylonian (Christian) Beast, this
signifies that the ten horns (kingdoms of Christendom) have received their
power. The one hour refers to the symbolical one hour of Babylon’s reign.
The one hour began when the Man-child sounded his seven trumpets (Seven
Seals Revelation)
for the first half an hour, see Rev.8:1. The Man-child
was killed on April 19th 1993, and now the Chosen Vessel with the
Remaining Bride prophesies again for the second half hour (1,260 days)
which began when the Babylonian Beast healed its wound.

These have one mind, and shall give their
power and strength unto the beast.

The ten horns have one mind because they are drunk with the same wine
(doctrine) which the whore (Great Christian Nation) causes them to drink.
The ten horns (nations) support the Beast of Babylon (confusion) that
destroys many by peace (deception). The Beast of Babylon is controlled
by the great whore who is also referred to as: the lamb-like Beast, the false
prophet, and the Little Horn. The great whore (scarlet) is the Great Christian
Nation that causes all to receive the mark (knowledge) and name (Jesus)
of the Beast (Christendom).

Any nation that refuses to accept the mark (knowledge) or name (Jesus) in
their right hand (accepting the knowledge), or the mark in their foreheads
(spiritually drunk with the abominable wine; doctrine) will not be able
to buy or sell with any other nation. The lamb-like Beast (Great Christian
of Rev.13:11 imposes sanctions upon any nation that refuses the
mark (religio/political ideals) and name (Jesus) of Babylon (Christendom).
The sanctions are enforced by the great whore (Great Christian Nation)
who destroys many by peace (sanctions). The Rider (Man-child) upon
the red horse came to wound the peace (deception) of Babylon
that destroys many, see Rev.6:4; Zec.1:8,10,11,15.

Rev. 17:14
These shall make war with the Lamb, and
the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is
Lord of Lords, and King of kings: and they
that are with him are called, and chosen, and

Babylon’s reign takes place in two parts; two symbolic half hour time
periods that make up the symbolic one hour of Babylon’s reign (hour of
During the first part (first half hour) of Babylon’s reign,
the Man-child (of Rev.12:5) wounded the Babylonian Beast with his
Rod of Iron (sword), see Rev.13:14.

The Man-child (Lamb with the Seven Seals Scroll) WAS to rule all nations
(seven heads and ten horns), however the Lamb only wounded one head
(Great Christian Nation)
on April 19th 1993. The ten horns give their
power and strength unto the Beast of Babylon. The ten horns (Christian
are going to fight against the Lamb (King of kings) during the
Sixth Seal. The Lamb shall overcome them (ten horns; kingdoms of the

The Sixth Seal is described in Rev.19:11 and in Rev.19:12 the Lamb has
many crowns upon his head. The nations (horns) will lose their dominion
as the Lamb (King of kings) shall come to take what belongs
to him and his Bride. The ten horns (kingdoms) of the Beast will prepare
to make war with the Lamb, see Rev.19:19. The Beast’s heads and horns
shall be destroyed by the Lamb and the Chosen vessel with the 200,000,000
Host of heaven (God’s mighty army or warriors). The 200,000,000
army of Saints are called, chosen, faithful, and none shall break their
ranks, see Joel.2:7; Rev.9:16,17.

And he saith unto me, The waters which
thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are
peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and

The whore (Great Christian Nation) sits and controls all the nations
of the Dragon Beast of Babylon (Christendom). The sea from which
the Beast ascends, symbolizes the Christian (Babylonian) system which
arose from peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues, see Rev.13:1. The
whore (city of the Great Christian Nation) sits upon land. The lamb-like
Beast (great whore) comes out of the earth, see Rev.13:11.

At the Sixth Seal the great whore (Great Christian Nation; typified by
is the first to be destroyed, see Rev.18:10. The other nations
are seen as being in ships, because the Babylonian Beast ascends from
the sea (peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues). The ships watch
the destruction of the Great Christian Nation (great city of Babylon),
see Rev.18:19. The symbology reveals that the Great Christian Nation
(whore; great city of Babylon)
is upon symbolical land and the other
nations are upon the symbolical sea.

And the ten horns which thou sawest
upon the beast, these shall hate the
whore, and shall make her desolate
and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and
burn her with fire.

The ten horns (nations) that are upon the Beast will eventually hate the
whore (Great Christian Nation). The ten horns are the nations that the
Great Multitude come out of, see Rev.7:9. The Great Multitude come
out of all nations, kindreds, tongues, and peoples. Spiritual Israel (Great
is represented by Ephraim who was the largest tribe of Israel
prior to being taken captive by the king of Assyria. Ephraim (Great
Multitude; Gentiles)
was taken captive with all the northern tribes
of Israel. By the time the Medes/Persians overthrew Babylon, Ephraim
(representing the northern tribes) had lost his identity by mingling
his seed with the nations (Gentiles), see Hos.7:8.

In the latter days, the gathering of spiritual Ephraim (fruits) will be the third
and largest group to be harvested from the last generation of the living.
Ephraim (Great Multitude) is gathered after the five months of torment
are fulfilled during the Sixth Seal (cleansing of the spiritual sanctuary;
see Rev.9:5; Lev.23:34,39. The largest in-gathering into God’s
Kingdom, New Jerusalem (before the final plague), will be the gathering
of the Gentiles (Ephraim).

Ephraim (ten tribes) lost his identity and mingled his seed with the nations
when he was taken captive by the Assyrian. The Great Multitude represents
the return of spiritual Ephraim from captivity, the fulfillment of Gen.48:17-19;
see also Rev.7:9,14. Therefore the Great Multitude are represented by the
Angel of Rev.14:8, who joins the Angel (Firstfruits) of Rev.14:7, in giving
the last warning to the inhabitants of Babylon before the final plague destroys
the works of man upon the earth.

The lake of fire in Rev.19:20 is typified by the flood of Noah and the
destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (area of the dead; salt sea). The
last message shall be given to the inhabitants of the earth after the Sixth
Seal has begun.

The rebellious people who refuse to enter the alien (as it will seem to be to
the inhabitants of the earth)
spaceship (God’s city New Jerusalem that
descends and ascends through the door (gate) in time)
will be destroyed
by the rain of fire. The ten horns that shall hate the whore and make her
desolate, are the Great Multitude (spiritual ten tribes) who come out of
ALL nations at the setting up of God’s Kingdom, New Jerusalem.

The Great Multitude (spiritual Ephraim) also eat the flesh (figuratively)
of the great whore (Great Christian Nation) of Babylon (Christendom).
The ten horns (Great Multitude) shall also give the last warning to Babylon.
Confusion (Babylon; Christendom) will have fallen twice (Babylon is fallen,
is fallen)
at the setting up of the Kingdom New Jerusalem, see Rev.18:4-6;

The Firstfruits sound the last warning to Babylon after the five months are
completed; the five months begins at the Sixth Seal. The Great Multitude
will heed to the warning given by the Firstfruits, forsaking the land of Babylon,
and shall head towards God’s Kingdom. The Great Multitude (ten horns)
give the last warning to Babylon as they leave the kingdom of the Beast.

For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill
his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom
unto the beast, until the words of God shall
be fulfilled.

The ten horns (nations) have agreed to give their power unto the Beast
that is controlled by the whore (Great Christian Nation) of Babylon.
When the horns have crowns, this reveals the horns (nations) have given
their strength unto latter day Babylon (Christendom). The Beast of Babylon
(Christendom) destroys many by peace (deception), see Dan.8:24,25.
Therefore, to fulfill God’s Word as it is written, God has placed in the
hearts of the nations (ten horns) the desire to agree with the whore
(Great Christian Nation) supporting the system of democracy.

God’s will is performed to see who shall stand for the written Word as revealed
through the Lamb and the Chosen Vessel. The wise who accept the Seven
Seals Truth are written among the groups who are gathered from the last
living generation.

The Levitical harvest (Lev.23:10,17,39) reveals the three groups
of the redeemed:
(1) Wave-sheaf (Lev.23:10) barley gathering (Bride; spiritual Jerusalem;
Four Beasts ROUND ABOUT the throne)
(2) Firstfruits (Lev.23:17), wheat gathering (two wave loaves; Twenty-four
Elders; spiritual Judah; Fellowservants and 144,000)
(3) Fruit (Lev.23:39) of trees gathering (Great Multitude; Gentiles; spiritual
ten tribes; horns; spiritual Ephraim),
see Lev.23:10,17,39.

God places in the hearts of the leaders of the nations to agree and give their
kingdom to the Babylonian Beast. In the past God hardened Pharaoh’s heart,
so God could show great signs and wonders, see Ex.10:1; Rom.9:15-20.
Therefore, to fulfill God’s Word the hearts of the ten horns (nations) are
given to agree and give their kingdom unto the Babylonian (Christian) Beast
who is controlled and run by the great whore (Great Christian Nation).

And the woman which thou sawest is that
great city, which reigneth over the kings
of the earth.

The woman (great whore) in the past was the old rebellious city of
Jerusalem. Jerusalem continually rebelled against the Word of God
through the servants the Prophets, whom she slew with her sword.
The city of Jerusalem also killed Christ 2,000 years ago. In the latter
days, the woman (whore) represents the Great Christian Nation
(great city) who rides and controls the Dragon Beast of Babylon,
see Rev.17:3. The great city is one of the seven heads that speaks
great amazing words against the most High’s Chosen Vessel. The
Man-child (Elijah) came with his Rod of Iron (two edge scroll) and
was rejected and killed by the great whore of Christendom.

The Lamb wounded one (Great Christian Nation) of the seven heads
on April 19th 1993. The wounding of the one head (Great Christian
wounded the whole Beast system of Babylon (Christendom)
which destroys many by peace (deception). When the Christian system
(that destroys many by peace; deception) heals its wound, the whole
world shall be wondering after the Beast, see Rev.17:8; 13:3. The whole
world (excluding those written in the Lamb’s scroll) is supporting the
same religio/political system which they worshipped prior to the Babylonian
Beast receiving its first wound on April 19th 1993.

There is one great city (nation) in the latter days who reigns over all other
nations. The great whore imposes sanctions upon any country (nation)
that does not agree with her democratic ways. The beliefs of Christendom
are an Abomination unto God. The Man-child (Elijah of Mal.4:5) came
to warn the inhabitants of the earth before the great and dreadful day of
God’s anger. Therefore the wise who accept the revealed Word of the
Seven Seals Scroll from the hand of the Lamb’s Chosen vessel, will
escape the great and dreadful day of God’s fierce anger. Only those
who have an ear to hear what the Spirit says unto Christendom shall
stand, see Rev.6:17.

The Sealed Book Of Daniel

Hidden Manna, PO Box 789, Jesup GA. 31598