It is a great privilege to be a part of the forwarding of the Revelations
that are found within this inspired book. My sense of duty and a
strong obligation to Truth has been stirred up within me like never
before, as I have realized the awesome Truth, which only now has
been revealed through the Chosen Vessel, being the author of this
book. Everyone has a destiny to fulfill, and the road you choose
determines your destiny. I have found my destiny, and of my own
free will I have gladly chosen it; as I was always destined to choose it.

The writings of this book reveal New Light, being the promised
understanding of the mysteries of the Bible, which only now have
been unsealed for all who have an ear to hear. The living vessel
that God has chosen to reveal the finality of scripture, has revealed
the New Light which is found within the pages of this book.

The surviving Branch Davidians who have not received and
understood the Revelation that this book contains, have only
the understanding of the Light revealed and fulfilled by David
Koresh. The Chosen Vessel of the Remaining Bride has
revealed the new understanding which pertains to the final
fulfillment of scripture. This understanding could not be
revealed nor was it meant to be revealed, until David
Koresh fulfilled those prophecies which he came to reveal
and fulfill. In Truth, those who once followed the inspired
message of David Koresh and do not accept this final
fulfillment, have as it were, rejected the teachings of
David Koresh.

There has never been a generation in which God did not
reveal Present Truth through a Chosen One. To reject the
explanation of prophecies contained in the Seven Seals,
which are found in this book, is to reject the Holy Spirit.
All manner of sin shall be forgiven a person except one: to
sin against the Holy Spirit by rejecting Present Truth.

There are many voices in Christendom and other religions
who declare their words to be inspired and of edification.
In my personal journeys through life I have read and heard
many of these so-called ministers of God. None of them in
my opinion can hold a candle to the illuminating Light which
this book imparts. I am fully convinced to the depth of my
heart and my soul that this book reveals the prophecies of
the Bible; completely and accurately. My life and my talents,
which God has blessed me with, I have fully devoted to the
cause of forwarding Present Truth.

Once the Seven Seals book has been fully understood, the
reader will have the clear realization that time is very short.
By my own convictions I have given my full support to this
work, being the forwarding of Salvation for others. My
reigns have been stirred up within me, to make available
these gems of inspired knowledge to all who desire them.
Now that you have acquired a copy of this book, make a
diligent search of its Revelations, committing them to memory.
All who believe the Present Truth contained in this book are
to impart this truth unto others. The power of God and the
support of spiritual Angels shall open doors that Truth may
enter therein. The Elect will believe the explanation contained
in the Seven Seals book, though none of the rebellious shall
understand. The Elect are of a righteous heart and mind,
being unified into the family of Elohiym.

There is a test of knowledge in the Bible, whereby we may
know who understands the true meanings of the prophecies
and who does not. In Rev.13:18 it reveals a question which
only the one who has wisdom can fully understand. Apply the
test of Rev.13:18 to anyone who believes they have insight
into Bible prophecy. You will very quickly realize that they
are guessing and do not have a clue as to what the meaning
of the number 666 is. You will find the correct understanding
of Rev.13:18 within this book. You shall know the Truth and
the Truth shall make you free; free from the chains of darkness.
Surrender to the Truth, surrender your spirit and those ambitions
which are connected to the world. Instead, connect your spirit
and ambitions to this Truth, by promoting and forwarding
God’s plan of salvation.

For the things of this world shall shortly pass away and only those
connected to God’s book of life shall be saved. Eternity in paradise,
surrounded by glory with your perfect mate, is a great and at this point, unimaginable gift; reserved for those who are willing and obedient.

May you enter into God’s Rest.


Editor's Excerpts

Hidden Manna PO Box 789, Jesup, GA. 31598