Malachi 4: 1
For, behold, the day cometh, that shall
burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea,
and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble:
and the day that cometh shall burn them
up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall
leave them neither root nor branch.

The warning is given that there is a day that is soon to arrive, which shall be a
devouring fire to cleanse the earth from all the proud, and those which have
done wickedly against God’s messengers. The day is fast approaching that
shall extinguish the lights (lives) of the proud and wicked, to the point that
there will be no remembrance of them (no root or branch). All the proud
trees (leaders) of all nations shall be cut down (see Is.2:12,13), and burned
together with all the grass (people who reject the Lord’s last warning
before the great and dreadful day of God’s wrath),
as the grass is
likened unto people in Is.40:6.

In the latter days the Elijah messenger comes with his Seven Seals Scroll, to
the generation that is to have the consumption (burning) of the Lord fulfilled
upon all the works of the wicked. The works of man shall be dissolved after
God has gathered into the Kingdom the Great Multitude from all nations,
kingdoms and tongues, and peoples, as the final plague destroys the whole
earth, see 2Pet.3:7,10-12; Rev.16:8,9.

The Beast in the latter days (that is mentioned in Rev.13:1) represents the
Babylonian (Christian) Beast of the religio/political system. The manifestation
of the Babylonian Beast in Rev.13:1, appears when the Elijah messenger
(Lamb with the Seven Seals Scroll;
the Man-child of Rev.12:5) warns the
people (the people of the Babylonian Beast) of God’s great and dreadful
day, that shall devour the wicked as a flaming fire. The Babylonian Beast (all
Christian nations)
and the lamb-like Beast (false prophet; Great Christian
of Rev.13:11, are the religio/political system of Christendom, which
rejects the Elijah messenger’s Seven Seals Scroll.

The Lamb sounds his seven trumpet warning, (the message of the Seven
Seals Scroll),
and thereafter is killed by the Beast as it is written in prophecy.
However, the Chosen Vessel with the Remaining Bride prophesy again unto
the people of the Babylonian Beast before the Sixth Seal (the great and
dreadful day of God)
is fulfilled.

The false prophet (Great Christian Nation; the false Elijah messenger;
lamb-like Beast)
deceives the people into rejecting the Lamb’s (Elijah
Revelation, and also into rejecting the Chosen Vessel’s (Elisha
Revelation when the Chosen Vessel with the Remaining Bride
prophesy again.

Anyone who is still serving Babylon (Christendom) when the last message is
given by the Firstfruits (at the time when the Kingdom of God is set up),
will have their part in the lake of fire, see Rev.19:20,21; Zec.14:12.

Mal.4: 2
But unto you that fear my name shall the
Sun of righteousness arise with healing in
his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow
up as calves of the stall.

Those who fear God’s name will be those who have been Sealed with the
New Name, being God’s surname, see Rev.2:17. The 144,000 Firstfruits
will have God’s surname written in their foreheads (minds; memories) see

One can only acquire the New Name (of the latter day Lamb) by receiving
the knowledge of the sealed scroll (Bible; prophecies) which is the Hidden
Manna (Seven Seals Revelation). Therefore, those who are given the
scroll of Rev.5:1 (being the Hidden Manna of Rev.2:17), will have in
their foreheads the knowledge of the Lamb’s (Man-child’s New Song of
surname (being also the Father’s surname).

The latter day Lamb has a New Name which no man knoweth, see Rev.19:12.
The Lamb reveals the name from the sealed scroll (which no man can open
except the Lamb himself),
as the Lamb has the KEY OF DAVID, see
Rev.3:7. The Lamb gave his scroll unto the Chosen Vessel of the Remaining
Bride as seen in Rev.10:8-10 (John representing the Chosen Vessel in the
latter days);
the Chosen Vessel being typified as the Elisha messenger who
now has the scroll and must prophesy again, see Rev.10:11; 11:3.

The Chosen Vessel (Elisha messenger) prophesies again for a period of 1,260
days (42 months), to gather those who are to receive the New Name (the
Firstfruits unto God; the spiritual children of the Bride)
in their foreheads,
thereby receiving the Father’s surname which is written upon the vesture of the
latter day Lamb, see Rev.19:12.

Therefore, eat the Hidden Manna (sealed scroll), thereby receiving the New
Name of the latter day Lamb which will be written in your forehead (mind;
. Having the New Name in your forehead (mind) means you are
protected from the Angel of Death, see Rev.9:11; and Ex.12:23, ref. to the
Lord’s Destroying Angel who smites those who have NOT the Seal of God
in their forehead (mind).

The latter day Lamb (Man-child; Elijah messenger) was killed with some of
his Bride on April 19th 1993, fulfilling Dan.8:10,11. The Man-child prophetically
is caught up into heaven (as old Elijah was taken up), as seen in Rev.12:5.
This typifies old Elijah who was taken (caught) up in a fiery chariot. Elisha
remained behind to prophesy again as Elijah had prophesied. Elisha (Chosen
received the Mantle from Elijah (Man-child). The same applies to the
Remaining Bride (woman of Rev.12:6) who is fed with the Hidden Manna by
Elisha (Chosen Vessel) in that she must prophesy again.

Those who fear God’s New Name (which one receives by accepting the
Lamb or the Chosen Vessel),
will be healed when the Sun of Righteousness
(Man-child; Elijah) resurrects with the Chosen Vessel, see Rev.11:11,12.
The Bride are those who were killed with the Lamb on April 19th 1993, as
well as the Chosen Vessel with the Remaining Bride (Brethren of Rev.6:11
who were not killed on April 19
th 1993) who are to be killed as foretold in

The Man-child (Sun of Righteousness) is seen in Rev.7:2, ascending (rising)
from the east (he is typified as the sun, since the sun also rises from the
showing that he is the Sun of Righteousness (Is.46:11). The Man-child
is also described as the Bright and Morning Star in Rev.22:16 (Sun of
. The Man-child is the righteous man from the east (sunrise),
see Is.41:2,25. The Sun of Righteousness is the latter day Lamb (Elijah
who was killed by the Babylonian Beast with some of his Bride.

The Elijah messenger is also likened unto a bird having wings, see Mal.4:2. In
Mt.24:28, there is a carcass (body of the Man-child; Elijah messenger), the
eagles around the carcass represent the Lamb’s living Bride. The Sun of
Righteousness arises (resurrects) with healing (Sealing) in his wings (Mal.4:2),
who is typified by old Cyrus who came from the east (Persia) to overthrow
Babylon, see Is.46:11.

The Sealing of the 144,000 will take place before the Sixth Seal, see
Rev.7:2-4. The 144,000 will be those that are living in the last generation,
who receive the knowledge of the Seven Seals from the Chosen Vessel
of the Remaining Bride. The 144,000 are not a part of the Fellowservants
who are killed with the Chosen Vessel and the Remaining Bride (fulfilling
the Fifth Seal of Rev.6:11).
Those who will be healed first (when the
Sun of Righteousness arises (resurrects) with healing in his wings)

are the 144,000 of Rev.7:4, being the Blessed of Dan.12:12.

The Sixth Seal takes place after the 144,000 are Sealed. The Destroying
Angels of the Lord mentioned in Eze.9:2 and Rev.9:2,3,14, are commanded
in Eze.9:6 and Rev.9:4, not to harm any of the 144,000 that have God’s mark
(Seal) written in their foreheads.

The next group to be healed (after the 144,000 have been healed in their
will be the Great Multitude that have to endure a terrible time of trouble
such as never was. The Great Multitude are now rebellious, but at the last
warning (given by the Firstfruits) they come out of Babylon and into God’s
Kingdom (which is set up after the Sixth Seal fulfillment of Rev.6:12-17).
Therefore, the Great Multitude (of Rev.7:9, that come out of the great time
of trouble in Rev.7:14-17)
are also healed by the Sun of Righteousness that
ascends (rises) from the east (as a bird having healing in his wings).

Mal.4: 3
And ye shall tread down the wicked; for
they shall be ashes under the soles of your
feet in the day that I shall do this, saith
the LORD of hosts.

The groups that are to be healed in the flesh (the 144,000, and then the
Great Multitude)
are going to tread down the wicked with all the redeemed
of the Lord. For the wicked (in the last generation when the Lamb reveals
the Seven Seals)
will be cast into the lake of fire and all the works of man
shall be dissolved. When the lake of fire is fulfilled, then the Lord’s Kingdom
will reign supreme.

For 1,000 years (when the city New Jerusalem ascends back to heaven
with all the redeemed inside,
as the last plagues render the earth
all the redeemed shall be with Christ and reign with him.

After the 1,000 years, the wicked shall be resurrected and allowed to live
amongst themselves for 100 years, see Is.65:20. The wicked resurrect from
their graves (prior to the second death) and will live with their perfect mates,
yet having the same evil heart and mind that they once had; though not being
able to die, neither are they allowed to procreate. At the end of the 100 years
they are to be judged according to the prophetic books of the Prophets.

After the 100 years is fulfilled, New Jerusalem descends to the earth again.
The wicked will gather around the city of God which will have the redeemed
within her walls. This is the time when God shows the wicked that his judgment
is righteous. The wicked were permitted to have 100 years upon the earth to
do things completely their way and without any intervention from the Holy
Spirit, causing them to realize that their ways do not work.

Thereafter, all the knees of the wicked shall bow down, and with their tongues
they shall confess that God is just and righteous. The wicked will pronounce
their own sentence by asking to be destroyed, for they are worthy of such a
punishment (This is also the time that Lucifer is brought to her knees and
will confess that God is righteous and asks to be destroyed);
thereafter fire
devours all the wicked, see Rev.20:9-15.

The ashes of the wicked shall be under the feet of the righteous, for these
same wicked souls stamped the life out of God’s redeemed. The wicked
shall be ashes beneath the soles of the redeemed, see Mal.4:3. The wicked
sow the evil things which they shall reap, and none of the wicked shall
understand, see Dan.12:10.

Mal.4: 4
Remember ye the law of Moses my servant,
which I commanded unto him in Horeb for
all Israel, with the statutes and judgments.

God reminds his people to remember the law of Moses, meaning to consider
the laws and statutes that were given unto Moses. These laws and statutes
foreshadow how God is going to accomplish his Word according to prophecy.
One cannot understand the prophecies of the latter days (time when the Elijah
messenger reveals the Seven Seals Scroll)
unless one remembers the types
(examples) of the past (which the people were commanded to literally do,
that these statutes and laws may be a remembrance throughout all
as these statutes and laws contain the hidden meanings of
God’s latter day prophecies.

Therefore with that in mind, one is commanded to REMEMBER the law of
Moses (not to do the law, it is unnecessary to literally fulfill the sacrificial
offerings provided that you understand that Christ is interceding for the
The latter day Lamb is the Word (written Word of God) that
becomes fulfilled (flesh) as it is written. There are two covenants (old and
new testaments),
and as it is written there must of necessity be two deaths
(two lambs sacrificed),
see Heb.9:15-17,28.

The law of Moses required that two lambs be sacrificed every day, one in
the morning (representing the Man-child, the former rain) and one was
sacrificed at even (evening; representing the Chosen Vessel, the latter
. The laws and statutes of Moses foreshadow things to come, see
Col.2:16,17. There must be the fulfillment of the statute that required two
lambs be killed every day.

The Book of Revelation reveals the latter day Lamb (Man-child; Elijah
and repeats the prophecies which pertained unto the Messiah
in the writings of the Prophets. The latter day Lamb and the Chosen Vessel
with the Remaining Bride fulfill the unfulfilled prophecies relating to the Two
Anointed Ones (Lamb and Chosen Vessel).

Mal.4: 5
Behold, I will send you Elijah the Prophet
before the coming of the great and dreadful
day of the Lord.

4: 6
And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to
the children, and the heart of the children to
their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth
with a curse.

The Elijah Prophet foretold of in Mal.4:5,6, is none other than the Man-child
(Lamb) of Rev.12:5. The Lamb (Elijah) comes with his Seven Seals Scroll
(Reward) in the latter days before the Sixth Seal is fulfilled (see Rev.6:12-17;
great and dreadful day of God’s wrath). The messenger that is titled as
Elijah, comes with his Seven Seals Reward to warn the inhabitants of the
earth that God is going to fulfill the words that are written in the Lamb’s

The people that received the Revelation of the latter day Lamb’s Seven Seals
Scroll are his Bride. After the Elijah messenger was killed, the Chosen Vessel
with the Remaining Bride (who was not killed with the Lamb and some of
his Bride)
must prophesy again to gather the Fellowservants. The Chosen
Vessel with the Remaining Bride and Fellowservants are to be killed, which
completely fulfills the Fifth Seal, see Rev.6:11.

During the time that the Fellowservants are gathered (first wave loaf of
the Chosen Vessel with the Remaining Bride must also sow
the seeds of the revealed scroll that the 144,000 (second wave loaf of
may be Sealed before the Sixth Seal (great and dreadful day).

The Elijah messenger is one of the Two Witnesses written upon each side of
the scroll of Rev.5:1.The latter day Man-child is the written Word made flesh.
The Two Witnesses (Lamb and Chosen Vessel) have the power to withhold
the spiritual rain (doctrine likened to rain, see Deut.32:2) of prophecy from
falling upon those who should not hear the Revelation of the double sided scroll,
as stated in Rev.11:6.

The Man-child of Rev.12:5 is typified and titled as the latter day Elijah
messenger, being one of the Two Witnesses in Rev.11:3. The Two
Witnesses (double sided scroll: written on one side of the Lamb,
and the other side of the Chosen Vessel)
have the power to stop the
prophetic rain from falling upon the grass (people) if they so desire. In
the past, the Prophet Elijah (type of the Man-child) was able to cause
the rain to cease, see 1Kin.17:1.

The rain typifies the revealed Seven Seals doctrine, which is the Hidden
Manna of Rev.2:17; 5:1. The Chosen Vessel is the other witness of
Rev.11:3. The other side of the written scroll of Rev.5:1 contains the
prophecies relating unto the Chosen Vessel. The Chosen Vessel is
typified by Elisha. The Chosen Vessel also has the power to cause the
rain to cease, see 2Kin.8:1.

The Chosen Vessel can cause a famine of the Word of God, see Amos 8:11.
Elisha (foreshadowing the latter day Chosen Vessel) had the power to
create waters so the people could drink, see 2Kin.3:17, which is the same
power the Two Witnesses have (Elijah and Elisha: Lamb and Chosen

It is evident that if Elijah of old could stop the rain from falling (by the Word of
then Elisha could also. Elisha was given the Mantle of Elijah and a double
portion of Elijah’s spirit, see 2Kin.2:9-14. Therefore, it is evident that all that
Elijah was able to do (as the spirit of the Lord was upon him), Elisha (having
received a double portion of Elijah’s spirit)
was able to do as much and
even more than Elijah.

The same scenario applies in the latter days. The Lamb comes as the Elijah
messenger before the great and dreadful day of the Lord, to fulfill Ps.45:16,17,
which causes the hearts of the fathers to turn unto their children as stated in
Mal.4:6. The Lamb (Man-child) represents the early rain. After the Lamb has
been killed, then his Mantle (Spirit of Prophecy; scroll) falls into the hand of
the Chosen Vessel, see Rev.10:8-10. The Chosen Vessel feeds the Remaining
Bride (woman) with the Little Help, see Rev.12:6,14 and Dan.11:34. The
Chosen Vessel (typified by Elisha) is the latter rain.



Is.1:4............................................................ref. to Holy One.

Is.4: 1...........................................................ref. to one man.

Is.7:14..........................................................ref. to Immanuel.

Is.7:21..........................................................ref. to a man nourishing a young cow and two sheep.

Is.11:1,2.......................................................ref. to the rod.

Is.14:29........................................................ref. to the Serpent’s root.

Is.17:7..........................................................ref. to the Holy One of Israel.

Is.22:20-22...................................................ref. to Eliakim.

Is.26:19........................................................ref. to the Holy One’s dead body.

Is.28:2..........................................................ref. to the mighty and strong one.

Is.28:9..........................................................ref. to he (Holy One) that teaches knowledge.

Is.29:23........................................................ref. to the Holy One of Jacob.

Is.30:6..........................................................ref. to the viper.

Is.30:12........................................................ref. to the Holy One of Israel

Is.30:29........................................................ref. to the mighty One of Israel.

Is.31:1..........................................................ref. to Holy One of Israel.

Is.32:1..........................................................ref. to the king that reigns.

Is.32:2..........................................................ref. to a man (Holy One) being a hiding place.

Is.33:17........................................................ref. to the king in his beauty.

Is.37:23........................................................ref. to the Holy One of Israel.

Is.37:35........................................................ref. to God’s servant David
.....................................................................(latter day David; Lamb).

Is.40:3..........................................................ref. to the voice of him (Holy One).

Is.41:2..........................................................ref. to the righteous man from the east.

Is.41:8..........................................................ref. to Jacob (Holy One).

Is.41:25........................................................ref. to the one that is raised up.

Is.42:1..........................................................ref. to the servant (Holy One).

Is.42:6..........................................................ref. to the one that is called.

Is.42:19........................................................ref. to God’s servant that is blind.

Is.43:3..........................................................ref. to the Holy One of Israel.

Is.43:7..........................................................ref. to him (Holy One) that God created.

Is.43:15........................................................ref. to the Holy One.

Is.44:28........................................................ref. to Cyrus (Holy One).

Is.45:1..........................................................ref. to Cyrus (latter day Lamb).

Is.45:13........................................................ref. to him that shall build God’s city.

Is.46:11........................................................ref. to the ravenous bird (Holy One).

Is.48:3..........................................................ref. to him (Holy One) that declares the
.....................................................................former things from the beginning.

Is.49:1..........................................................ref. to the one that is called from the womb.

Is.49:5-7.......................................................ref. to God’s servant.

Is.50:5-7.......................................................ref. to the one who has his ear opened.

Is.51:4..........................................................ref. to the one the people should hearken to.

Is.51:9..........................................................ref. to the arm (Holy One) of the Lord.

Is.51:16........................................................ref. to the one that has God’s Words in his mouth.

Is.52:7..........................................................ref. to the feet of him (Holy One) that
.....................................................................bringeth good tidings.

Is.52:8..........................................................ref. to God’s watchmen.

Is.52:13-15...................................................ref. to God’s servant (Holy One).

Is.53:1..........................................................ref. to the arm (Holy One).

Is.55:4..........................................................ref. to him that is a leader of God’s people.

Is.57:17........................................................ref. to the iniquity of him (Holy One).

Is.59:20........................................................ref. to the Redeemer.

Is.61:1..........................................................ref. to him that has the Spirit.

The Majestic Rider And His Queen Bride ||| Ps.45

Hidden Manna, PO Box 789, Jesup GA. 31598