A) The Manifestation of the latter day Lamb of God.

The latter day Lamb (spirit of Michael) came to the earth as a thief in the night,
BEFORE the great and dreadful day of the Lord, see Rev.3:3; 16:15. No man
could know the day or the hour when the latter day Lamb (Man-child of
would be manifested, see Mt.24:36; 25:13. The latter day Lamb
first came as a thief in the night (unexpectedly) to reveal one side of the
Seven Seals Scroll before the Sixth Seal cleansing of the sanctuary, being
the time when every eye shall see him as stated in Rev.1:7; Mt.16:27; 25:31;
Lk.21:27; Mt.26:64; Rev.6:12-17; 19:11-16.

The latter day Lamb written of in Revelation (Rev.5:5,6; 6:1; 12:11; 19:9)
is the Man-child who was to rule all nations (see Rev.12:2,5), being also the
Elijah messenger who gave a final warning to them that dwell upon the earth
before the Sixth Seal is to be fulfilled, see Mal.4:5. The latter day Lamb who
came as a thief in the night was known by one way only. The Lamb opened
and revealed the Seven Seals Scroll, which pertains unto the mysteries of God
written in prophecy. No man can do this, as stated in Rev.5:2,3, except the
Lamb himself, see Rev.5:5-7.

The latter day Lamb (Man-child) being manifested according to the written
Word of God (as he is the written Word made flesh), was born with the
same propensities to sin as any other human that is born of an earthly mother
and father, see Ps.40:3,7,12. Thereby God may be justified when he speaks
to sinners, and clear (understanding by experience the sins of man) when
he judges, see Ps.51:4.

B) The Lamb Gathers His Bride.

The latter day Lamb gathers his Bride (followers of the Lamb) by revealing to
her the Revelation of the Seven Seals Scroll which the latter day Lamb had with
him, see Rev.10:1,2. The scroll is the Reward which the Bride received, see
Rev.22:12. When the latter day Man-child (Elijah messenger) accomplished
the gathering of his Bride, he had spiritually built the symbolical city of New
Jerusalem. The Lamb’s Bride is symbolized by the city Jerusalem being
repaired, and her sanctuary rebuilt and cleansed.

After the Lamb had gathered his Bride (spiritual rebuilding of New
he then cleanses her sanctuary by imparting unto her the
seed (knowledge) of the Seven Seals Scroll. He enters into a covenant
(marriage) with his Bride by cleansing her temple (most holy place).
The latter day Lamb who gathered his Bride and cleansed her temple
symbolized the rebuilding of Jerusalem, see Dan.9:24,25.

The Messiah (Man-child of Rev.12:5) gathering his Bride (symbol of
is symbolical of the repairing and building of the walls and
sanctuary of Jerusalem, as it was before its destruction by Nebuchadnezzar.
The rebuilding of the Lamb’s Bride (symbolized as New Jerusalem)
happens when he gathers her with his Seven Seals Scroll. The Lamb then
purifies her sanctuary once he spiritually rebuilds it, with the Revelation of
the Seven Seals knowledge.

The time period that the Lamb was spiritually born (typified by Cyrus who
gave the commandment to restore and rebuild Jerusalem)
and thereafter
gathered his Bride (followers) and cleansed her spiritual temple (most holy
; which is in the city Jerusalem: symbol of his Bride) was 69½ weeks.
The 69½ weeks began when the Lamb was spiritually born. The 69½ weeks
(seven weeks added to threescore and two weeks, see Dan.9:25) is of the
70 weeks of Dan.9:24. Therefore, within the 69½ weeks the Lamb gathers his
Bride (rebuilds Jerusalem) and also restores and cleanses her spiritual temple
(mind) with the knowledge of the Seven Seals Scroll before the Sixth Seal.

C) The latter day Lamb is killed.

The latter day Lamb (the Elijah messenger of Mal.4:5; the Man-child of
was killed in the middle (midst) of the 70th week of Dan.9:24,
which was the 69½ week of the 70 weeks. The latter day Man-child caused
the sacrifices which the Christians make unto God to cease in the middle of
the 70th week (69½), see Dan.9:27. The Man-child wounded the Babylonian
Beast (Christendom) upon the one head (Great Christian Nation) at the
same time the Lamb (Daily) was cut off (killed; taken away).

The latter day Lamb is the Prince of the Host (Messiah) who was killed in
Dan.8:11. The Messiah the Prince (see Dan.9:25,26) represents the Daily
who was taken away in Dan.11:31. The latter day Lamb was killed on April
19th 1993, with SOME of his Bride (stars) as mentioned in Dan.8:10.

Those who died with the Man-child (latter day Lamb) were the stars who
were killed by sword (gunshot) and by flame (burnt to death) at Mt. Carmel
in Waco, Texas, as mentioned in Dan.11:33. The Remaining Bride who was
not killed with the Prince (Messiah; Man-child) and with SOME of his Bride,
represent his remaining followers who are now in Babylonian (Christian)
captivity, see Dan.11:33. Some of the Bride who died with the Lamb on
April 19th 1993, were killed by sword, and flame, and are the souls under
the altar of the Fifth Seal, see Rev.6:9,10.

D) The Death of the Lamb begins the 2,300 day prophecy.

When the Daily (latter day Lamb) was taken away as mentioned in Dan.8:11
(being the Messiah the Prince of Dan.9:25), then the 2,300 day prophecy
of Dan.8:14 began. The 2,300 day prophecy concerns:

1) The time the Daily (Man-child; Elijah messenger; Lamb) was taken away

2) The Babylonian Beast which heals from its wound and sits in the place
where the Lamb and his Seven Seals Revelation should be.

3) The Chosen Vessel and Remaining Bride flee to the spiritual wilderness
and prophesy again.

4) The period of time until the Sixth Seal is fulfilled.

The Sixth Seal is the cleansing of the spiritual sanctuary (mind), where the
knowledge of the Babylonian Beast (knowledge of Christendom) is sitting
where it should not be. From the time the Daily (Lamb) was taken away
began the 2,300 days (literal days) which is how much time remains
before the Sixth Seal is fulfilled.

All time periods in the Bible (Word of God) must be understood before
they are fulfilled. God would be very foolish to state time prophecies that
will not be understood or fulfilled. Therefore, the Chosen Vessel will be
given the knowledge of all time prophecies before they are fulfilled, thereby
the Remaining Bride may eat the Hidden Manna (second side of the two
sided scroll: the prophecies that relate unto her).
The Remaining Bride
shall gather her children (Firstfruits) before the Sixth Seal is fulfilled, which
happens at the end of the 2,300 day prophecy.

E) The Babylonian Beast Receives its Deadly Wound.

April 19th 1993 was the day when the Babylonian Beast received its deadly
wound upon one of its heads (capital of the Great Christian Nation). The
latter day Man-child with his Rod of Iron (two edge scroll; two edge sword)
in Rev.12:5, wounded the Dragon Beast of Babylon by causing a division with
his two edge sword (two edge scroll; Word of God). The wounding of the
Babylonian Beast of Rev.13:1, meant that people were divided against each
other, because of what happened on April 19th 1993, against the Branch
Davidians of Mt. Carmel, Waco Texas.

The latter day Lamb having his power hidden in the Seven Seals Scroll, typified
Samson of old, who had his power hidden in his seven locks of hair. During the
death of Samson, he wounded the heads of the Philistines by bringing their
temple down upon them. The same application is true with the latter day Lamb.
The Lamb wounded the one head of the Babylonian Dragon Beast of Rev.13:1
on the day of his (Lamb’s) death; during which the latter day Man-child was
spiritually blind to prophesy as stated in Ps.38:10, just as Samson was literally
blind in his death.

The Babylonian Beast was wounded by a sword, as stated in the latter part of
Rev.13:14. The only one written in scripture who had a sword in the vision of
Revelation, was the Man-child in Rev.12:5, who had the Rod of Iron (two
edge sword; Word of God)
, and also the Rider (Man-child; Lamb) upon
the red horse in Rev.6:4. The Rider upon the red horse representing the latter
day Lamb, had the Sword of the Spirit (Seven Seals Scroll) by which he
wounded the Babylonian Beast (Christendom) upon one (capital of the
Great Christian Nation)
of its seven heads. The Christ of 2,000 years ago
also brought a division with his Sword of the Spirit, see Mt.10:34-39.

The Rider upon the red horse in Rev.6:4 is the same Rider in Zec.1:8, being the
Angel (Lamb) of the Lord, who wounds the peace (deceptive doctrines;
of Christendom upon its head, see Zec.1:15; Rev.13:3. The
latter day Lamb having his Rod of Iron (two edge sword; two edge scroll)
caused a division in Christendom by wounding the capital (head) which speaks
for the whole Babylonian Beast.

The Man-child came to warn the inhabitants of the Babylonian (Christian)
Beast that God is displeased with them being at ease (peace). The great and
dreadful day of God’s wrath is at the door. The Christians know it not, neither
have they the knowledge of the Seven Seals Scroll which would give them the
understanding of God’s plan of salvation in the latter days. The knowledge of
the Seven Seals prophesies enables the wise to stand during the terrible time
of trouble such as never was (Sixth Seal).

The people of Christendom want to hear smooth things (doctrine of false
, and not the hard things (Present Truth; bitter prophecies) which
are written in God’s Word. The rebellious who think to save their life in
Christendom shall lose it, and those who fulfill the Fifth Seal of Rev.6:11,
shall find their life. Only the wise shall understand the Revelation of the
Seven Seals Scroll and none of the wicked shall understand, see Dan.12:10.

F) The Remaining Bride.

The Remaining Bride consists of those who received the Seven Seals directly
from the latter day Lamb, yet were not killed with the Lamb or some of his
Bride on February 28 and April 19th 1993. The Remaining Bride are those
who were taken into Babylonian captivity, see Dan.11:33. The Remaining
Bride is titled by the name of Brethren in Rev.6:11, being those who worship
in the spiritual temple of God in Rev.11:1, until the Babylonian Beast healed
from its wound. The Remaining Bride is worshipping in the spiritual temple
while the Babylonian Beast is wounded, showing that she still holds to the
knowledge of the Lamb’s Seven Seals Revelation at that time (prior to the
Beast healing from its wound).

G) The Remaining Bride is given a Little Help, in the Spiritual Wilderness.

The Remaining Bride who was taken into Babylonian captivity (as stated in
is given a Little Help, as seen in Dan.11:34. The Little Help is
the Little Scroll of Rev.10:2, which the Remaining Bride eats (Hidden Manna
of Rev.2:17);
being the prophecies which are written on the other side of the
scroll that prophesy of her (Remaining Bride’s) destiny. The Chosen Vessel
(typified by John in Rev.10:8-10) was the first to be given the Little Help
(understanding of prophesies) that he may feed the Remaining Bride therewith.

John ate the Little Scroll (Little Help) in Rev.10:8-10, just as the Remaining
Bride must also eat the Little Scroll that she may be one of the wise virgins that
has the extra oil. The Little Help is the Revelation that is written on the other
side of the scroll by which the woman (Chosen Vessel and the Remaining
is nourished and fed with, see Rev.12:6,14. The Remaining Bride
received the Little Help (Little Scroll) once she fled to the spiritual wilderness.
The Remaining Bride fled when the Babylonian Beast healed from its wound;
signifying that the Abomination (knowledge of Christendom) is sitting in the
spiritual temple (minds; memories) of the people’s minds.

H) The Babylonian Beast Heals from its Wound.

The Babylonian Beast (Christendom) being wounded by the Lamb’s two
edge sword on April 19th 1993, healed from its wound after 1,040 days
from April 19th 1993 which leaves 1,260 days (42 months of the 2,300
whereby the Dragon Beast of Babylon continues for, see Rev.13:5;
Dan.7:25; 12:7; 12:11. The 1,260 day prophecy, is the remainder of time
of the 2,300 day prophecy, see Dan.8:14. After the Babylonian Beast healed
from its wound, then its Christian democratic knowledge sat in the spiritual
temple of the people’s body (sanctuary). The knowledge of Christendom is
allowed to prevail over the Seven Seals knowledge until the time of the Sixth
Seal (cleansing of the spiritual sanctuary).

All the world is now wondering after the Babylonian (Christian) Beast,
showing that it has healed from its wound, as the people of Babylon
(Christendom) have no regard for the Seven Seals Revelation at this time.
The healing of the Babylonian Beast represents the man of sin (human
theology of God)
sitting in the spiritual temple of God (sanctuary: minds
of the people)
of the people’s minds, see 2Th.2:3,4.

The knowledge of an Abomination (Christian knowledge pertaining to
will leave the believer desolate of a great glory. Therefore, the
Remaining Bride flees from the Abomination (false beliefs) which is sitting
in the spiritual temple (mind) of the people, as commanded in Mt.24:15,16.
The Remaining Bride fled to the spiritual wilderness where she is fed and
nourished with the Little Scroll (Little Help) for the period of 1,260 days,
see Rev.12:6,14.

The Babylonian Beast healing from its wound can also be seen in Dan.11:45.
The glorious holy mountain is Jerusalem where the literal temple of God once
was, which was located between the two seas of the Dead Sea and the
Mediterranean Sea, see Dan.9:16.

In the latter days the Abomination of Christendom is in the spiritual temple
of the people’s minds. Therefore, those who have rejected the Revelation
of the Seven Seals Scroll at the hand of the Chosen Vessel with the Remaining
Bride, will be wondering after the Babylonian Beast as stated in Rev.13:3;
17:8. The Babylonian Beast has healed from its wound and shall continue for
a period of 42 months, as stated in Rev.13:5. The Babylonian (Christian)
Beast will be destroyed at the end of the 2,300 day prophecy which cleanses
the temple (sanctuary: mind) from the Abomination (false belief).

I) The Remaining Bride Gathers Firstfruits.

The Chosen Vessel with the Remaining Bride shall gather their children
(Firstfruits) before the Sixth Seal is fulfilled (cleansing of the sanctuary).
After the Remaining Bride (woman of Rev.12:6,14) has been nourished
with the Little Scroll (Little Help), she then understands the prophecies which
are written on the other side of the scroll that relate to the Remaining Bride
bringing forth her spiritual children before the great and dreadful day of the
Lord (Sixth Seal cleansing of the spiritual sanctuary).

There are two groups of Firstfruits (spiritual children), as seen by the two
wave loaves in Lev.23:17, which are the offering of Firstfruits. The Remaining
Bride gathers (conceives) the one wave loaf (Fellowservants) who are to
be killed with the Chosen Vessel and the Remaining Bride as stated in
Rev.13:7. The one wave loaf represents those who are to be killed with
the Remaining Bride, being the Fellowservants of Rev.6:11. The other
wave loaf of Firstfruits represents the 144,000 of Rev.7:4-8; 14:1, who
shall not die with the Remaining Bride, as they are gathered into God’s
Kingdom at the end of the 1,335 days of Dan.12:12. The 144,000 are the
remaining living Remnant because the Fellowservants are killed with the
Chosen Vessel and the Remaining Bride in Rev.6:11.

The 144,000 are not to taste death, for they shall be Sealed with Present
Truth (Seven Seals) before the time of trouble (Sixth Seal cleansing of the
The 144,000 are the Remnant (remaining seed) of Rev.11:13;
12:17. The Fellowservants (those who are symbolized by the first wave
loaf of Lev.23:17)
help the Remaining Bride give the last warning before
the Sixth Seal is fulfilled, see Rev.6:12-17.

The 144,000 (symbolized by the second wave loaf of Lev.23:17) will be
fully convinced that the Seven Seals Revelation is of God when they see the
Chosen Vessel and the Remaining Bride killed with the Fellowservants, as
shown in Rev.11:13. The Remnant (144,000) will realize that the events
concerning the Remaining Bride and Fellowservants (being killed and then
are of God, because the Remaining Bride prophesied of her
destiny, during the 1,260 days (42 months) in the spiritual wilderness of

J) The Remaining Bride is Killed with the Fellowservants.

The Remaining Bride is to be killed prior to the end of the 1,260 days with the
Fellowservants (one group of Firstfruits). The killing of the Chosen Vessel
with the Remaining Bride and the Fellowservants is stated in Rev.11:7 and
13:7. The Babylonian Beast who healed from its wound shall kill them, just
as it killed the Lamb and SOME of his Bride on April 19th 1993.

The Babylonian Beast that healed from its wound (see Rev.13:3) shall also kill
the Chosen Vessel with the Remaining Bride and some of her spiritual children
(Fellowservants) fulfilling the prophecy of the Fifth Seal, see Rev.6:11. The
Remaining Bride in the spiritual wilderness represents the Israelites who came
out of Egypt and wondered for 40 years. While the Israelites were in the
wilderness they gave birth to their children. Some of the children born unto
the Israelites in the wilderness died with all those who perished in the
wilderness. Only two of the Israelites who had originally fled Egypt entered
into the Promised Land.

The Israelites who came out of Egypt and died in the wilderness with some of
their children, represent the Remaining Bride who fled to the spiritual wilderness
in Rev.12:6,14. While the Remaining Bride is in the spiritual wilderness she
brings forth her children, whom some die with her, fulfilling the Fifth Seal of
Rev.6:11. The children of the Israelites who crossed the river Jordan to posses
the Promised Land, represent the 144,000 who enter into the Kingdom of God
without seeing death.

The 144,000 shall not die with the Remaining Bride as they are to be Sealed
in their foreheads (minds; memories) with the knowledge of the Seven Seals
Revelation which they receive from the Chosen Vessel of the Remaining Bride
prior to the Sixth Seal (cleansing of the sanctuary) fulfillment. The Chosen
Vessel with the Remaining Bride will be killed prior to the three and half days
of Rev.11:11.

The Chosen Vessel is killed in Rev.11:7, representing one of the Witnesses
who is written on one side of the two sided scroll. The Lamb was the other
Witness that is written upon the other side of the two sided scroll. The Lamb
and the Chosen Vessel are the Two Witnesses who are written on each side
of the scroll of Rev.5:1 and 11:3. At some time near to the end of the 1,260
days (42 month), the Remaining Bride shall be killed with the Fellowservants.

Those who now represent the Lamb’s Bride (and were not killed on April
th 1993) will be killed before the three and a half days of Rev.11:11 begins.
If they choose not to die with the Remaining Bride and remain alive until the end
of the 2,300 days (being the same day the 1,260 days expires), they will be
classed as the ancients of Eze.9:6. In other words, those who do not die with
the Remaining Bride (and Fellowservants), and were previously followers of
the latter day Lamb (having received the Seven Seals from him personally),
will have forsaken the covenant.

Only the 144,000 Firstfruits will be Sealed during the Sixth Seal (great and
dreadful day of God’s wrath)
. The Remaining Bride must eat the Hidden
Manna from the hand of the Chosen Vessel (typified by Moses), otherwise
those who refuse this extra oil (extra knowledge) shall be as the five foolish
virgins who lacked the extra oil (Present Day Truth) to keep their lamps
burning. Those who did not die with the Lamb on April 19th 1993, and refuse
the Little Help (Little Scroll) that is now being given, will be lost and forsaken.
There has never been a time upon the earth when God did not have someone
reveal to his people the knowledge of Present Truth.

K) The Resurrection of Two Witnesses and 200,000,000.

After the three and a half days of Rev.11:11, the Two Witnesses (Lamb
and the Chosen Vessel written on each side of the scroll)
with the 200,000,000 army of Saints, as seen in Rev.9:2,14-17;
Eze.37:1-10; Zec.9:13; Jer.50:41; and Rev.16:12. The resurrection of
the Two Witnesses (Lamb and Chosen Vessel) with the 200,000,000
army of Horses (Brides) and Riders (Lamb) happens at the end of the
2,300 day prophecy of Dan.8:14.

There shall be war in heaven once the Two Witnesses and the 200,000,000,
have resurrected, as stated in Rev.12:7; 8:12. Immediately after the Great Red
Dragon (Satan and her Angels) has been cast out of heaven, the cleansing of
the earthly spiritual sanctuary begins on the same day that Satan shall be cast
out of heaven, as it states in Rev.11:13. In the same hour (same time) when
the Two Witnesses are taken up to heaven to fight the war with Satan and her
Angels; thereafter, there is a great earthquake, which represents the Sixth Seal
being fulfilled upon the Great Christian Nation first. The war in heaven, and
then the cleansing of the earthly sanctuary at the Sixth Seal, happen on the
same day that the Two Witnesses with the 200,000,000 resurrect, see

The time period of 1,260 days (42 months) that Babylon now continues (after
it has healed from its wound, see Rev.13:3-5),
comes to an end at the Sixth
Seal (cleansing of the sanctuary). When the Babylonian Beast healed from its
wound, it continues for 1,260 days (42 months), which is the remaining amount
of days in the 2,300 day prophecy.

The resurrection of the Two Witnesses and of the 200,000,000 army of
God’s Saints, brings about the fall of latter day Babylon (Christendom).
The latter day Lamb is a type of old Cyrus who overthrew old Babylon.
In the latter days the Lamb, who fulfills Rev.6:12-17, represents latter day
Cyrus (King of kings) who overthrows latter day Babylon (Christendom)
at the Sixth Seal fulfillment; which is the cleansing of the spiritual sanctuary
(forehead; minds of the people) from the Abomination of Desolation
(knowledge of Christendom).

L) The Five Months of Torment upon those Not Sealed.

The five months of torment begins at the Sixth Seal, after the war in heaven
has been accomplished. Only the 144,000 will be Sealed at that time, as
stated in Rev.7:4-8; 14:1. Those who were once followers of the Lamb and
chose not to die with the Remaining Bride to fulfill the Fifth Seal of Rev.6:11,
will be the first to feel the literal sword of God, which shall destroy them, as
stated in Eze.9:6. The five months of torment will be upon the whole world,
beginning at the Great Christian Nation which killed the latter day Lamb and
shall also kill the Chosen Vessel with the Remaining Bride and the Fellowservants.

The five months of torment that is mentioned in Rev.9:5, represents the terrible
time of trouble such as never was, see Mt.24:21 and Dan.12:1, ref. to the time
when the earthly sanctuary shall be cleansed from the Abomination (knowledge
of Christendom)

All those who have not the Seal (mark) of the Lamb (Seven Seals knowledge)
in their foreheads (minds; memories), will have to go through a terrible time of
tormenting such as never was. Those who must experience the five months of
torment will rather be dead than go through the terrible time of trouble, but
death shall not be possible at that time, as death shall flee from them, see

The five months of torment that is mentioned in Rev.9:5, has been cut short
to only five months, as promised in Mt.24:22. Otherwise, if the tormenting
continued until the wicked should be destroyed, then there would be no one
to gather (no flesh saved). However, for those who are to be saved (Elect;
Great Multitude)
those days (five months) shall not continue longer than the
five months of torment. The Great Multitude must endure the terrible time of
trouble such as never was, for they shall come out of great tribulation (five
months of torment)
after the five months is completed as it is written.

M) The 144,000 are Gathered into God’s Kingdom New Jerusalem.

The 144,000 are Sealed with the knowledge of the Seven Seals Revelation.
These are the people who will be able to stand during the terrible time of
trouble that lasts for five months. In Rev.9:4, the 200,000,000 army of Saints
are commanded to only hurt those who have NOT the Seal of God in their
foreheads. In Eze.9:6 God’s army are NOT to come near any one of the
144,000 who have the mark (Seal) of God. The 144,000 are the only living
people of the last generation who are Sealed during the Sixth Seal cleansing
of the spiritual sanctuary (mind) from the Abomination of Desolation
(knowledge of Christendom).

In Rev.7:3, the Riders (Four Angels of Rev.7:1) of the army of God shall be
commanded to wait until the 144,000 have been Sealed. Meaning, that the time
of trouble happens once the 144,000 have been marked (Sealed) with the
knowledge of God. They are to stand in the terrible time of trouble (great
and dreadful day of God’s wrath)
which happens at the Sixth Seal. The
144,000 (being on the earth among those who are not Sealed during the
five months of torment),
are gathered into God’s Kingdom at the end of the
1,335 days of Dan.12:12.

The 144,000 are the Blessed of the Lord who are still in the flesh, but shall be
changed in the twinkling of an eye when they are brought into the Kingdom of
God, New Jerusalem; which is set up at the Sixth Seal. The 144,000 are one
part (one loaf of Lev.23:17) of the Firstfruits that do not taste death, for they
are gathered into God’s city New Jerusalem as seen in Rev.14:1. The Blessed
have their Father’s surname of Koresh written in their foreheads (minds). They
will understand the meaning of Is.44:28, and 45:1, which pertains unto the
surname of the latter day Cyrus (Lamb; King of kings; Cyrus: Koresh)
being also God’s surname, see Is.45:4.

The 1,335 days of Dan.12:12, begins from the time the Babylonian Beast
healed from its wound, being the time when the 1,260 days began. The
144,000 will be gathered into God’s Kingdom New Jerusalem, in the midst
(middle) of the five months of torment, which is when the 1,335 days expires.
The 1,335 days extends 75 days beyond the 1,260 days (as both the 1,335
day and the 1,260 day time periods begin at the same time),
meaning that
75 days (two and a half months) from the time the Sixth Seal begins (1,260
day fulfillment),
the Blessed (144,000) shall be gathered into God’s Kingdom.

N) The 144,000 Firstfruits are Sent Out to Gather the Great Multitude.

After the 144,000 Firstfruits have been gathered into the Kingdom New
Jerusalem (at the end of the 1,335 days of Dan.12:12), for two and a half
months (that remains of the five months of torment) the 144,000 learn as
it were, a New Song (Seven Seals Revelation), see Rev.14:3. The 144,000
shall not at this time fully understand the Seven Seals Revelation which is now
being revealed by the Chosen Vessel prior to the Sixth Seal.

Only after the Two Witnesses resurrect will the Remnant (144,000) give the
glory to God, see Rev.11:13. Therefore, the 144,000 must fully understand
their mission, which they will, by learning fully the New Song in the Kingdom thereby understanding that they are to be sent out into the world (after the
five months of torment)
unto every nation, kindred, and tongue, and people,
as stated in Rev.14:6,7.

The time when the 144,000 shall fully understand the Seven Seals Revelation
(pertaining to the prophecies which they must fulfill after the five months
of torment),
happens after they have been gathered into the city: New
Jerusalem, at the end of the 1,335 day prophecy. Therefore, for the two
and a half months that remains of the five month period of tormenting, the
144,000 learn the Song of the Lamb and the Song of Moses (Seven Seals
in the Kingdom of God.

At the end of the five months, the 144,000 are sent out to gather the Great
Multitude before the final plague destroys the earth and all therein. At the time
of the 1,335 days when the 144,000 are to be gathered into the Kingdom
(see Rev.14:1),
until the end of the five months of torment (see Rev.9:5), the
144,000 shall learn the Song of the Lamb and the Song of Moses (Song
of the Chosen Vessel)
. Though at that time the Song (Seven Seals Revelation)
of the Lamb and the Song of Moses will have already been learned by the
harpers (Lamb and Chosen Vessel, and 200,000,000 army of Saints with
the Fellowservants)
in heaven, see Rev.14:2.

O) The Great Multitude are Gathered into God’s Kingdom New Jerusalem.

The Great Multitude are the final group to be gathered from the last generation
of the living after the five months of torment are accomplished, as stated in
Rev.9:5. The 144,000 Firstfruits are sent out to all nations, to gather the Great
Multitude (symbolic of the ten tribes; Ephraim).

The Great Multitude will be those who take heed to the last warning which
shall be sounded from the mouthsof the 144,000 Firstfruits, after the five
months of torment. The Great Multitude are typified as the Gentiles who
were not judged (measured) in Rev.11:2. However, after the five months
of torment is accomplished, it will be the time of judgment for the Gentiles
(Great Multitude)

Those of the Gentiles who hearken unto the voice of the Firstfruits, will escape
the final plague which will destroy the whole earth after all of God’s people
(Great Multitude)
have been gathered into the spaceship (New Jerusalem)
before the final plague causes the earth to become a sea (lake) of fire.

The Great Multitude, representing Ephraim of old (who was the largest tribe
in the northern kingdom of Palestine)
, fulfills the blessing that was given unto
Ephraim in Gen.48:17-19. The Great Multitude shall come out of all nations,
just as Ephraim was to become a multitude of nations in Gen.48:19 (see also
The Great Multitude represent the fruit harvest in Lev.23:39, that
was gathered after the day of atonement, just as the Great Multitude are to
be gathered after the Sixth Seal cleansing of the spiritual sanctuary (day of

The Great Multitude represent the nations that are to come out of latter day
Babylon as seen by the 144,000 who shall call out (last message) the Great
Multitude in Rev.14:8; 18:4. The Great Multitude are to come out of the
land of Babylon (whole world) and into the Kingdom of God (city: New
, as seen in Rev.21:23-27; Is.2:1-4; Mic.4:1-3.

P) The Plagues Destroy the Wicked and All Therein.

The final plague shall destroy the whole earth and burn all the works of humans.
The final plague shall be fulfilled after every person has made up their mind
whether to enter the city New Jerusalem, or stay in the land of Babylon.

Those who stay in the land of Babylon shall be those who are deceived by
the false prophets of Christendom (see Rev.16:13,14; Mt.24:23-26), who
will cause the people that stay in the land of Babylon to believe that they will
be lost if they submit to the alien (God’s Kingdom) invaders.

In the name of Jesus many Christians will receive the mark of the Beast
(Christendom), which causes them to be destroyed in the sea (lake) of fire,
as stated in Rev.19:19-21. The Great Multitude represent those who submit
their will unto the alien invaders (Saints). The invaders are of the Saints of the
Kingdom of the living God as prophesied in God’s Word. The 144,000
Firstfruits (prior to the destruction of the earth), will have given the last
warning to all the earth, proclaiming that the earth is to be destroyed by fire,
as stated in Mal.4:1; 2Pet.3:7,10-13.

The consumption (consuming fire) has already been determined by God,
as it is written in God’s Word, see Is.10:21-23. The earth is heading for the
lake of fire. The earth is moving backwards in time and at the Sixth Seal will
reach the time before the sun, moon, and stars were created, leaving the earth
in darkness. At that time, God’s Kingdom gathers the Great Multitude into the
city, New Jerusalem which leaves the earth before the earth returns to its first
beginning where it started as a lake of fire.

The Great Multitude will be safely gathered into God’s Kingdom New
Jerusalem (spaceship) before the final plague that destroys the earth has
been fulfilled. The city (spaceship) of New Jerusalem shall leave the earth
before the plagues destroy all the works of man upon the earth by the lake
of fire.

The mouth of the Lord God has spoken these things so shall they come to
pass as it is written. God cannot change the word that is written in prophecy.
God’s Word shall not return to God unfulfilled. The wise who understand the
Seven Seals Revelation shall know these things, but none of the wicked shall
understand. Those who receive Present Truth into their minds and hearts shall
be written in the Lamb’s Scroll (book) of Life. The end has been declared
from the beginning.

Crimson To White ||| Isaiah 1:1-31; 2:1-22

Hidden Manna, PO Box 789, Jesup GA. 31598