WinBUGS code from Bandyopadhyay D, Reich BJ and Slate E. (2009). Bayesian modeling of multivariate spatial binary data with applications to dental caries, Statistics in Medicine 28, 3492-3508
SAS macro from *Lin L, Bandyopadhyay D, Lipsitz S and Sinha D (2010). Association models for clustered data with binary and continuous responses, Biometrics, 66(1), 287-293
R code from Reich BJ, Bandyopadhyay D. (2010). A latent factor model for spatial data with informative missingness, The Annals of Applied Statistics, 4(1), 439-459
WinBUGS code from Bandyopadhyay D, Sinha D, Lipsitz S, Letourneau E. (2010). Changing approaches of prosecutors towards juvenile repeated sex-offenders: a Bayesian evaluation, The Annals of Applied Statistics, 4(2), 805-829
SAS macro from *Li X, Bandyopadhyay D, Lipsitz S and Sinha D. (2011). Likelihood methods for binary responses of present components in a cluster, Biometrics, 67(2), 629-635
R package 'ordcrm'
(i) *VanMeter
Garett-Mayer E and Bandyopadhyay
D. (2011). Proportional odds
model for dose finding
clinical trial designs with ordinal toxicity grading, Statistics in Medicine
2070-2080; &
(ii) *VanMeter
EM, Garett-Mayer E and Bandyopadhyay
(2012). Dose
finding clinical trial design for ordinal toxicity grades using the
continuation ratio model: an extension of the continual reassessment
method, Clinical Trials, 9(3),
R package 'nlsmsn' from Lachos VH, Bandyopadhyay D and *Garay AM. (2011). Heteroscedastic non-linear regression models based on scale mixtures of skew-normal distributions, Statistics and Probability Letters, 81(8), 1208-1217
R and WinBUGS codes from Lachos VH, Bandyopadhyay D and Dey DK. (2011). Linear and non-linear mixed-effect models for censored HIV viral loads using normal/independent distributions, Biometrics, 67(4), 1594-1604
WinBUGS code from Bandyopadhyay D, Reich BJ and Slate E. (2011). A spatial Beta-Binomial model for clustered count data on dental caries, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 20, 85-102.
R and WinBUGS codes from Bandyopadhyay D, Lachos VH, Castro LM and Dey DK. (2012). Skew-normal/independent linear mixed models for censored responses with applications to HIV viral loads, Biometrical Journal, 54(3), 405-425
WinBUGS code from *Boehm L, Reich BJ and Bandyopadhyay D. (2013). Bridging conditional and marginal shapes for spatially-referenced binary data, Biometrics, 69(2), 545-554
R code from *Mustvari T, Bandyopadhyay D, Lesaffre E and Declerck D. (2013). A multilevel model for spatially correlated binary data in the presence of misclassification: An application in oral health research, Statistics in Medicine, 32(30), 5241-5259
R code (using MPI) from Reich BJ, Bandyopadhyay D and Bondell H. (2013). A nonparametric spatial model for periodontal data with non-random missingness, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 108, 820-831
WinBUGS code for the full model from *Galvis DM, Bandyopadhyay D and Lachos VH. (2014). Augmented mixed beta regression models for periodontal proportion data, Statistics in Medicine, 33(21), 3759-3771
R code from *Schnell P, Bandyopadhyay D, Reich BJ and Nunn M. (2015). A marginal cure-rate proportional hazards model for spatial survival data, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series C, 64(4), 673-691
R code from *Matos LM, Bandyopadhyay D, Castro LM and Lachos VH. (2015). Influence assessment in censored mixed-effects models using the multivariate Student's-t distribution,Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 141, 104-117
R code for MCMC implementation from Bandyopadhyay D and Canale A. (2016). Nonparametric spatial models for clustered ordered periodontal data, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series C, 65(4), 619-640
C code to implement the Potts model in Jin I-H, Yuan Y and Bandyopadhyay D. (2016). A Bayesian hierarchical spatial model for dental caries assessment using non-Gaussian Markov random fields, The Annals of Applied Statistics, 10(2), 884-905
WinBUGS code from Bandyopadhyay D, *Galvis DM and Lachos VH (2017). Augmented mixed models for clustered proportion data, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 26(2), 880-897
SAS macro from *Lewis B, Bandyopadhyay D, DeSantis SM and John MT. (2017). Augmented beta regression for periodontal proportion data via the SAS NLMIXED procedure,Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 12(1), 49-66
R package 'qrLMM' from *Galarza CE, Lachos VH and Bandyopadhyay D. (2017). Quantile regression for linear mixed models: A stochastic approximation EM approach, Statistics and Its Interface, 10(3), 471-482
R code available in GitHub from *Chernokhouva A, Hussein A, Nkurunziza S and Bandyopadhyay D (2018). Bayesian inference in time-varying additive hazards model with applications to disease mapping, Environmetrics, 29(5-6), e2478 [Special Issue celebrating TIES 25th Anniversary]
R code [with data] from Zhao W, Lian H and Bandyopadhyay D. (2018). A partially linear additive model for clustered proportion data, Statistics in Medicine, 37(6), 1009-1030
R code from Wu X, Guan T, Liu DJ, Leon-Novelo LG and Bandyopadhyay D. (2018). Adaptive-weight burden test for associations between quantitative traits and genotype data with complex correlations, The Annals of Applied Statistics,12(3), 1558-1582
R package 'CensSpatial' from *Ordonez JA, Bandyopadhyay D, Lachos VH and Cabral CR. (2018). Geostatistical estimation and prediction for censored responses, Spatial Statistics, 23, 109-123
R code available in GitHub from Zhang L and Bandyopadhyay D. (2020). A graphical model for skewed matrix-variate non-randomly missing data, Biostatistics, 21(2), e80-e97