PURPOSE:       Health SOL 8.2              The student will apply health concepts and skills to the management of personal and family health. Key concepts/skills include

a)      the risks associated with gang-related activities;

b)      the benefits of using resistance, problem-solving, and decision-making skills for resolving health issues;

c)      the importance of developing relationships that are positive and promote wellness;

d)      the benefits of developing and implementing short- and long-term health and fitness goals that are achievable and purposeful.



PROCEDURE:  The procedure consists of three components:


1.                   Introduction:

a.       Students will learn how to problem-solve and use decision-making skills to resolve a personal health issue.

b.       Students will use the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction to resolve a personal health issue.

c.       The teacher will talk about the fact that s/he needs to get more sleep.  S/he will ask students what ideas they have to help him/her get more sleep.  The teacher will write the students ideas down on SMART board.

d.       The teacher will introduce the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction.  S/he will apply this model to his/her problem of not getting enough sleep step-by-step.


2.                   Development: (Activities selected to achieve purpose):

a.       Students will use the Self-Determined Learning Model of Interaction to problem-solve a health issue.  Each student will choose a health issue-emotional, physical, mental- to work on.  They will work on Phases 1 and 2.

b.       In a month the class will revisit their Self-Determined Learning Model and evaluate their progress.  They will work on Phase 3.


3.                   Summary: (Closure to lesson)

Students will share their Self-Determined Learning Model of Interaction plan for either their health issue.  The class will discuss the differences in goals and the plans. Classmates can give suggestions for Phase 3.


RESOURCES:  The resources to be used in teaching the lessons need to be identified. These include: transparency of the Self-Determined Learning Model of Interaction, blank copies of the

Self-Determined Learning Model of Interaction, SMART board


EVALUATION:           The evaluation can be performed in several ways.


1.                   Assessment of student learning

a.       Teacher assessment of student learning. The teacher measures student learning through the visual representations of the concept.

b.       Student self-assessment.  Students check their own performance of an activity through: model of completed activity and the illustration of the concept.

2.                   Teacher self-assessment.  Teacher reflects on success of lesson by analyzing:

a.       His/her performance and the value of the lesson as a learning experience.

b.       Student reactions during the lesson.