Biographical Sketch

Dr. Christopher Daub earned a B.Sc. (1997) and an M.Sc.(1999) in Physics  from the University of Guelph in Guelph, Ontario, Canada, supervised by Prof. Bryan R. Henry.  He then went to the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and completed a Ph.D. in Chemistry with Prof. Gren N. Patey in 2004. Chris has been a member of the Luzar research group since January 2005.

Publication list:

Kjaergaard, H.G., Henry, B.R., Daub, C.D., The role of electron

correlation on calculated XH stretching vibrational band intensities,

Molecular Physics, 90(2), 201-213 (1997).


Daub, C.D., Henry, B.R., Sage, M.L., Kjaergaard, H.G., Modelling and

calculation of dipole moment functions for XH bonds, Canadian Journal

of Chemistry, 77(11), 1775-1781 (1999).


Daub, C.D., Camp, P.J., Patey, G.N., The constant-volume heat

capacity of near-critical fluids with long-range interactions: A

discussion of different Monte Carlo estimates, Journal of Chemical

Physics, 118(9), 4164-4168 (2003).


Daub, C.D., Patey, G.N., Camp, P.J., Liquid-vapour criticality in a

fluid of charged hard dumbbells, Journal of Chemical Physics,

119(15), 7952-7956 (2003).


Daub, C.D., Camp, P.J., Patey, G.N., Constant-volume heat capacity

in a near-critical fluid from Monte Carlo simulations, Journal of

Chemical Physics, 121(18), 8956-8959 (2004).


Camp, P.J., Daub, C.D., Patey, G.N., Liquid-vapour criticality in

Coulombic and related fluids: What can be learned from computer

simulations? in D. Henderson and M. F. Holovko (eds.), Ionic Soft

Matter: Modern trends in theory and applications, Kluwer Academic,

Dordrecht, in press.


Daub, C.D., Patey, G.N., Jack, D.B., Sallabi, A.K., Monte Carlo simulations

of the adsorption of CO2 on the MgO (100) surface,  Journal of Chemical

Physics, submitted (2005).