
English 205
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Introduction   ||   Project One   ||   Project TwoPoeMelville |  Leading Questions
Web-Course Enhancement Projects:  Project Two 


Leading Questions
for Project Two

1. One of Poe's most important contributions to American literature is as a critic, and in this review he defines the tale as a separate and legitimate literary genre. What are the main purposes and special features and values of the tale?  As distinguished from the poem? the essay?

2. Both reviewers note their a priori attitude or sense toward Hawthorne's writing.  Describe this attitude.  That is, did they feel a kinship or an estrangement with ideas and techniques such as those Hawthorne employs?

3. Both Poe and Melville praise Hawthorne's "effects."  This is one of several strengths of Hawthorne's tales that both the authors praise. What are some other strengths (there are at least six all told)?

4. As regards the focus of the reviewers' essays, two questions:

    A. Melville focuses on what aspect of Hawthorne's tales more than anything else?  Poe on what?

    B. What does this say about the two reviewers?

5. Poe dislikes Hawthorne's mysticism; Melville praises it. Thus, they both see it, but why do you suppose they disagree in their assessment of it?

6. Following from this, Melville calls Hawthorne "profound."  Poe never does.  Explain this difference.

7. Poe and Melville both put Hawthorne in the context of England and Europe, with Melville spending quite a bit of time comparing Hawthorne to Shakespeare.  What's so important about this for these two writers?



Introduction   ||   Project One   ||   Project TwoPoeMelville |  Leading Questions

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