Research Summary



  • I have worked at the cutting edge of nanoscience and technology – a field that has tremendous technological and economic impact. I have worked on novel spintronics materials that are viewed as the next generation materials for the communication industry. I worked on gold coated silica, iron, and iron oxide nanoparticles that have applications in noninvasive treatment of tumors. I have worked on hydrogen storage materials that are critical to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and worked on graphene that is the first truly two-dimensional material and has been predicted to be the ultimate material for the next generation of nano-electronics. Our research works have received media attention (more than 250 times News Reports) and featured on the cover of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS 美国科学院院刊, impact factor is 9.681) and the cover of the Proceeding of the US Department of Energy Conference in 2008.

  • I have coauthored over 130 SCI papers in some of the most prestigious international journals, including 2paper in PNAS, 5 papers in Physical Review Letters, 3papers in Journal of the American Chemical Society, 3 papers in Nano Letters, 2 papers in ACS nano, 8 papers in Applied Physics Letters, and 25+ papers in Physical Review A/B. Our papers are widely cited in journals, included in books. Our work has some of industrial and environmental significance.

  • I have served the scientific community as a referee for the Office of Basic Energy Science (BES) of the US Department of Energy Projects ( 美国能源部基金项目评审人), and for ‘Changjiang Scholar of China’ program ( 中国 教育部长江特聘教授和长江特聘教授成就奖海外评审人), the "Thousand Talents Youth Program", and for many scientific journals.