WINTER 2000 (or yes, it does snow in North Carolina)

    Well, we did get at least 18 inchesof snow in the latest storm, and about 8 inches of snow the week before.  Chapel Hill and the 3 plows the city owns did the best they could. Jordan likes sledding and inner tubing down hills, and now he even likesamoxicillin!  Who would've guessed? Lori and  I want someoneto make Shamu or Buggs Bunny antibiotic pills.  Could be bigger thanUnderoos.

 This hill is near the 18th green at the Chapel Hill Country Club.  No, we don't belong, but what a great place to sled(every 3 or 4 years).

Ali didn't shovel snow thisyear, but she is a quick learner.

Above, Jordan's world of trains and Lego and Super Heroes!

Below, Jordan (as Batman--note the cape) rescuing Alifrom Pooh and the puppy dogs.

The Bekensteinwomen.

Jordan, your feet have grown. Yes, that's the proper signal for a  touchdown, but you'll have towait for next season.

Ali's look when she foundout she might have to shovel snow in a few years.

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