Summer 2002

Ali and Friends

AliDoug (296x209, 17.3 kilobytes) AliJeffrey (417x282, 26.4 kilobytes) AliJoseph (570x373, 36.3 kilobytes) AliMegan (309x541, 43.4 kilobytes)
3 Inches of Rain in 30 Minutes

Backyard (669x420, 72.6 kilobytes) Backyard2 (668x404, 74.0 kilobytes)

BalloonRide (626x409, 54.8 kilobytes) AliTotem (293x541, 50.2 kilobytes) BoatRide (443x499, 33.0 kilobytes) Carousel (370x541, 54.1 kilobytes) FrogHopper (673x411, 61.7 kilobytes) CarWash (318x541, 44.7 kilobytes)
Oceans and Beaches

DelawareBay (376x541, 45.2 kilobytes) BodySurfing (534x392, 27.6 kilobytes) NoWaves (392x541, 52.2 kilobytes) VaBeach (684x344, 44.3 kilobytes)
Jordan and Ali

Friends (740x541, 104.7 kilobytes) SummerReading (523x447, 56.0 kilobytes) Goggles (254x414, 15.3 kilobytes) Huddle (367x541, 61.8 kilobytes) icing (424x541, 51.2 kilobytes)
Jordan and Friends

JordanDaniel (524x422, 29.8 kilobytes) JordanJeffrey (383x345, 21.2 kilobytes) JordanMitchell (470x336, 22.5 kilobytes) SillyPuttyNoses (566x385, 35.2 kilobytes)
Growing Flowers and Children

sunflower (298x541, 66.7 kilobytes)

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