November 2002

Ali's World (-1x-1, -1 bytes) Artistic (-1x-1, -1 bytes) Lori  and Ali (-1x-1, -1 bytes)
Halloween 2002

Eating In A Circle (-1x-1, -1 bytes) Ninja Vampire and Pirate Together (-1x-1, -1 bytes) Trick Or Treating (-1x-1, -1 bytes) Jordan Picks Cheetos, Not Candy (-1x-1, -1 bytes) KitKat For Ali (-1x-1, -1 bytes) Pirate (-1x-1, -1 bytes)
Ali's Preschool Pics

Preschool Portrait (-1x-1, -1 bytes) Sitting Still (-1x-1, -1 bytes) Class (-1x-1, -1 bytes)
Fall Camping Trip

Sleeping Bag (-1x-1, -1 bytes) ComfyTent (-1x-1, -1 bytes) Just Woke Up (-1x-1, -1 bytes) Tent City (-1x-1, -1 bytes)

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