-------Review  For Second Test ------------


You should use the SAMPLE questions (T&F and fill in the blank)  from Chapter Review in text chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 as your SAMPLE TEST.

You will not expected to memorize the names of  moons of other planets except the four Galilean moons of Jupiter, Saturn’s moon Titan, Mars’ moons.




Highlights For TEST Two:


T H E   EARTH:  Atmosphere Mostly Nitrogen About 1/5 Oxygen    Traces of other things


Layers of the atmosphere    

Troposphere ‑‑‑ bottom (where we live)         Clouds, weather          Temperature drops as you go up.  

Stratosphere ‑‑‑ 2nd (where jets fly)               No clouds, weather Temperature rises as you go up.     

Mesosphere ‑‑‑ 3rd    (30 to 60 miles up)  Temperature drops  as          you go up.     

Thermosphere ‑‑‑ 4th  (60 to 300 miles up)  Temperature rises as you go up.     

Exosphere ‑‑‑ 5th  (where satellites fly)          up to 500 miles.   


Effects of the atmosphere    

Convection: Caused by heated air rising colder air falling.      Cyclones: Earth's rotation converts vertical convection to rotary motion.

Turbulence makes star images flicker (or twinkle)  Atmospheric extinction Absorption of light by air

More Effects of the atmosphere     Scattering of blue light:   The sky (scattered light) is blue.  Sunsets (transmitted light) are red.                           

The Greenhouse effect.   Sunlight heats the earth.   Heat radiation from the earth is trapped by the atmosphere.     

The atmosphere works like a blanket which keeps the earth warm.  Carbon dioxide and water vapor are responsible for trapping the heat. 


Climate:     The runaway greenhouse effect          (A horror story)

1.    Burn the coal and the trees.      More carbon dioxide.      More heat is trapped.

2.    More heat means higher average     temperatures. 

3.    Higher average temperatures     melt the ice caps and      evaporate water from the oceans.

4.    Smaller ice caps reflect less    light ‑‑‑ more sunlight is absorbed and turned into heat.

5.    More water vapor in the air helps to trap more heat. 6. Go back to step 2 and repeat  the runaway cycle. 

Actually, the earth's climate is probably stable within certain limits.

For example, heating of the earth by the runaway greenhouse effect would probably be stopped by several "automatic safety features".                          


Possible "Automatic Safety Features"

1.    Extra long growing seasons and fast regrowth in tropical forests would eat up the excess carbon dioxide.

2. Excess water vapor would cause more clouds, and extra snow cover, reflecting more light back into space.  

The heat input from the sun would then drop.  


More "Automatic Safety Features"

3. Excess water vapor would cause more rain which would wash carbon dioxide out of the air by dissolving it (making soda pop).

However there are limits to the "safety interlocks" built into our climate. 


Limitations of "Safety Features"

Suppose we burn trees faster than any plants can grow back. Suppose the water vapor in the air increases to the point where the cloud cover is always 100%. 

The climate could run out of responses ‑‑‑ plants can't grow   faster than their natural rate and the cloud cover cannot increase beyond 100%.

By saturating enough of the climates "defense mechanisms" we might really get a runaway climate.

Eventually, even a runaway greenhouse effect would reach a new equilibrium.   But it would be nothing like the present earth.   It might be uninhabitable.


The Concept of Density:

Density = Mass of a unit volume


Density of water = 1 gram per cubic cm.     

Density of iron  = 8 grams per cubic cm.

Average density =  (Total mass)/(Volume)

Example:  Average density of earth =  5. 5 grams per cubic cm.  

Structure of the earth's interior Core Mantle Crust

Core: About half the size of the whole earth.  Made of iron and nickel    

Inner core is solid        Outer core is liquid. 

Mantle: Acts like silly putty.   Flows under steady pressure.  Snaps back from sudden pressure changes.

Lithosphere ‑‑‑                     rigid upper part of the mantle.

Asthenosphere ‑‑‑               flowing middle part of the mantle.

Mesosphere ‑‑‑                    rigid lower part of the mantle.

Crust 10 to 25 miles thick. Mostly solidified lava from volcanoes.

Granite slabs form continents. Ocean floors are basalt.  Granite is a mineral made of silicon, aluminum oxides.

Basalt is a mineral made of silicon, magnesium oxides. Granite is lighter than basalt and tends to float on top of it. 

Discovery of the Mantle: In 1909 Mohorovicic noticed that the speed of earthquake waves changed abruptly at a certain level beneath the earth's surface. 

This level was the boundary between   the crust and the mantle. It is now called the Mohorovicic discontinuity or the "Moho".


The Earth's Magnetic Field

Makes magnetic compass needles point more or less North. Traps charged particles from the sun. Funnels charged particles into the atmosphere over the North and South poles ‑‑‑ causing the Northern Lights and Southern Lights.


The Earth's Magnetic Field  also magnetizes iron‑bearing ores as they cool after emerging from volcanoes. Is probably caused by motions in the earth's liquid iron core. The Earth's magnetic field has      reversed itself repeatedly over millions of years ‑‑‑ according to the magnetization of ancient volcanic lava flows.  

Puzzle:  Why are there mountains? Rain and wind wear them away at a great rate. We think that the earth is billions of years old, so they should all be gone by now. Mountains must be replaced constantly. What makes mountains?


Tectonic Plates:

Another puzzle:  Why isn't the earth one big ocean? The rivers, fed by the rain, wash the substance of the continents to the sea. The continents are, on the average, several miles higher than the ocean floors. Why isn't this difference leveled by now?

Yet another puzzle:  Why do earthquakes and volcanoes concentrate in certain regions and not in others?


Francis Bacon (1561‑1626) Noticed still another puzzle, declaring "If the fit between South America and Africa is not genetic, surely it is a device of Satan for our frustration. "Francis Bacon was convinced by the evidence of the map that the continents were once united and had since moved apart. 

Other evidence that the continents have moved:     Glacial deposits in South Africa. Similar fossils on the coasts of widely separated continents. 

In 1910, Alfred Wegener proposed that all the continents were together in one big land mass which broke up 200 million years ago. He was right.  His only evidence was the map and the similarity of rock formations where the world‑puzzle seemed to fit the continents together. Not good enough.   

The established picture of an unchanging earth needed to be contradicted by strong evidence before a new theory could be accepted. 


Continental Drift became respectable in the 1960s because of new evidence. On either side of the mid‑     atlantic ridge is a series of parallel strips. The rocks in each strip are all magnetized in the same direction.  

Different strips are magnetized in different directions.     

\\///\\  /  R  /  \\///\\    

\\///\\  /  I  /  \\///\\    

\\///\\  /  D  /  \\///\\    

\\///\\  /  G  /  \\///\\    

\\///\\  /  E  /  \\///\\

The directions correspond to past directions of the earth's magnetic field. Volcanic activity is known to be occurring along the ridge. 

There was no way to account for this new evidence in the old picture of an unchanging earth. Evidently, liquid magma is welling up out of the earth, solidifying, and building new sea floor as the old sea‑floor spreads. 

The sea floor under the Atlantic is spreading at the rate of 2 to 4 centimeters per year. In 400 million years, that comes to 16,000 kilometers.  Thus, Africa and the Americas are drifting apart.   The continents are indeed moving. The motions have even been detected directly by laser ranging measurements.

Plate Tectonics:The theory of continental drift. The earth's crust is made up of crustal plates which float on the fluid part of the mantle (asthenosphere, remember?).   The crustal plates move around. Crash into each other. Are created at mid‑oceanic ridges. Are destroyed by sliding under other plates and dissolving in the asthenosphere. 

Plate boundaries are usually the site of earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain‑building. The San Andreas Fault in California is where the Pacific Plate is side‑swiping the North American Plate. 

The Appalachian Mountains in North America and the Caledonian Mountains in Europe are the result of an ancient head‑on collision between the North American Eurasian plates.  The Indian Plate is even now bashing into the Eurasian plate and building the Himalayan mountains. 

With the possible exception of some of the moons of Jupiter, the Earth's surface is one of the most unstable in the Solar System. 

Radioactive Dating Look for the products of slow radioactive decay to find out when rocks became solid. Example:  The most common isotope of uranium (U238) decays to lead (Pb206) with a half‑life of 4. 5 billion years.  Half‑life Over any period of 4. 5 billion years, each individual uranium atom has a 50‑50 chance of changing into a lead atom.  Start with a pure uranium deposit formed while rocks were molten and could separate easily. After 4. 5 billion years, the deposit will be 50% uranium and 50% lead. 


Decay for longer than a half‑life:

After 9 billion years half of the remaining uranium will change      and the deposit will be 25% uranium and 75% lead. Every half‑life (4. 5 billion years), Half of the remaining uranium      changes to lead. After 13. 5 billion years, the deposit will be 12. 5% uranium and 87. 5% lead. 


The oldest rocks on earth are found to be about three and a half   billion years old.  It would take a molten earth about a billion years to solidify.  The earth seems to be about  four and half billion years old.  Radioactive dating of meteorites finds that these objects solidified about 4. 5 billion years ago.       


A Quick History of the Earth

Planetesimals collected together to    form an object with enough mass to attract others.  As other planetesimals rained down on the new earth, their energy of      motion melted the rocks so that the early earth was liquid.  The heavy elements like iron sank to the center while lighter elements  rose to the surface. 



Gases and volatile substances such as  water formed an early atmosphere.  The lightest gases such as Hydrogen and Helium were soon lost because their individual molecules move too fast for earth's gravity to pull them back.  The exact composition of the earth's first atmosphere is a matter of dispute:


Composition of the early atmosphere:

Some scientists insist that Hydrogen stayed around for a long time while others insist that it did not.  By general agreement, there was a lot of nitrogen (possibly as ammonia) carbon dioxide     water vaporand at least some methane but no oxygen.           


The rains came:

As the earth cooled, it began to rain and there was thunder and     lightning.  The rain dissolved the Carbon Dioxide to form carbolic acid which reacted with the rocks to form carbonates.   In this way, the carbon dioxide was washed out of the atmosphere. 


Meanwhile, the lightning bolts fused the ingredients of the early   atmosphere to make amino acids    ‑‑‑ the molecular building      blocks of life.  Amino acids were also arriving from space ‑‑‑ they occur in meteorites. The warm seas accumulated nitrated      hydro‑carbons of all sorts, forming what has been called the "primordial soup".   Life BeginsWithin the first few hundred million  years, the building blocks of life became organized into a      form that could reproduce itself.   Nobody knows exactly how this   occurred.   Most scientists assume that it was a natural and    even inevitable process. 


Plants Once life arose, it found a way to tap the energy of sunlight: photosynthesis.

This process releases oxygen into the atmosphere.  The oxygen reacted with sunlight in      the upper atmosphere to form      ozone. The ozone acts as a barrier to ultra‑violet radiation from the sun. 


A Curious Relationship: Life arose from water and requires it.  Life created the ozone layer which protects water molecules from being broken apart by the sun. Without water, there would be no life on earth.  Without life on earth, there would be no water left here.    


The Living Planet:

Life has created and maintains the conditions which it requires to exist. Our present earth is inhabitable precisely because it is inhabited. 

Origin of the Moon

Fission Model     A single planet formed and then split apart.

Binary Accretion Model  The Moon formed from a cloud of debris orbiting the Earth.

Capture‑Collision Models        The moon formed elsewhere and was captured by the earth.


T H E    M O O N

1/4 size of earth.

Largest moon in comparison to its primary in the solar system, except for Pluto-Charon


Craters are  due to meteor impacts.

semi‑molten core

hard mantle of rock

thin crust      (regolith & lithosphere)


The earth's gravity has stopped the moon's rotation and locked it into it's present earth‑ facing position.  

Gravity on the moon's surface:  1/6 of gravity on earth.

Notice the difference between weight:  force of gravity

mass:    resistance to starting or stopping


The Maria ‑‑‑ the Lunar Lowlands The face of the "Man in the Moon"

Lava flows.

Craters  Round rings of mountains  - with radial streaks or rays

     Sometimes surrounded by smaller "secondary craters".


Craters result from the impacts of objects from space.   


Apollo  11, 12, (13), 14, 15, 16, 17 brought back 4500 pounds of rocks.

The surface:   Lunar soil or regolith

     Crust about 50 miles thick.

Rocks: Basalts like on earth-  Anorthosites-  Breccias- KREEP



     The closest planet to the sun.

     Very elliptical orbit

     Goes once around the sun in

          88 days.

     Rotation period = 59 days

          2/3 of 88 days.

During one orbit, mercury spins 1 1/2 times.

Size:  About 40% bigger than

     our moon.

Moons of Mercury:  none.

Average density: Same as earth.

Weather on Mercury     700K at noon  and  100K at night

     No atmosphere to speak of.

     Length of solar day: 176 earth days ‑‑‑ a "Mercurian day" lasts two "Mercurian years".   


Surface features on Mercury:


     Scarps (i. e.  cliffs)

     Only one maria‑like basin: Caloris Planitia

          Jumbled terrain   opposite the Caloris           Planitia.

          Maybe from Caloris           impact waves.

 Mercury has a small magnetic field ‑‑‑ about 1% of earth's.



Hotter than Mercury.

     Pressure 90 times that at  the earth's surface.

     Sulfuric acid clouds.

     Similar to earth in size and   mass.

Orbits the sun in 225 days.

Rotates backward once every 243. 01 days.

     No moon.

No magnetic field at all.

     The atmosphere of Venus

The main gas is carbon dioxide.

Venus seems to have a runaway green‑house effect.

Venus probably never had liquid surface water to convert the carbon dioxide to carbonic acid and then to carbonates.

The water vapor eventually was decomposed by ultraviolet light from the sun.   Very little water is left on Venus now.

Without water to absorb it, the earth's carbon dioxide would form an atmosphere like that of Venus.



Rotates on its axis every 24 Rotation axis tilted at 25o.

     About half the size of the earth.   Two tiny moons.

Much lower average density than earth ‑‑‑ probably lacks a large iron core.

Almost no magnetic field.


Atmosphere of Mars

Mostly carbon dioxide Pressure about 1/200 of earth's.

Temperatures on Mars  

Hottest ‑‑‑ High noon in the Martian Tropics about 98. 6oF.  

Coldest ‑‑‑ At night the temperature drops by 180oF.     3v 3


Surface of Mars

Red sand: Limonite :  no canals.  

Polar caps show water‑ice covered by dry‑ice.

In the southern hemisphere of Mars:  Lots of craters     

In the northern hemisphere of Mars: Volcanoes, Lava flows, jumbled terrain.

     Mariner Valley separates the hemispheres:

     Olympus Mons

     Tharsis plateau

Covers 25% of the surface.

About 6 km above the rest of the surface.

We think there is a layer of "permafrost" under the soil of Mars.

The Viking Expedition

     Lots of evidence for running water.

Present pressure is too low for liquid water on the surface.

Life on Mars ‑‑‑ None found.

Life: Evidently requires a planet at just the right distance from the sun to maintain its temperature at the temperature of the triple point.


Jupiter: 11 times the diameter of earth.

         mostly Hydrogen and Helium ‑‑

          zones ‑‑‑ light (updrafts)

          belts ‑‑‑ dark (downdrafts)

Rotates once every 10 hours.       The Great Red Spot ‑‑A hurricane

         the size of the earth.

The light cloud tops are ammonia ice.

     cold:  150 K

     Heated from within.

     atmosphere about 1000 km.  thick

     merges into liquid hydrogen.

About 1/3 of the way in to the  center, the liquid hydrogen becomes metallic and conducts electricity.

At the very center, a rocky core about three times the size of the earth.  Core temperature about 30,000 K. 

The liquid metallic core and rapid rotation generate a strong magnetic field ‑‑‑

        10 times as strong as earth.


Moons of Jupiter     Four Galilean Satellites‑‑

     Io       larger than our moon

     Europa   smaller than our moon

     Ganymede larger than Mercury

     Callisto comparable to Mercury


Io and Europa: basically rock.

Ganymede and Callisto ‑‑‑ giant slush balls.


Io -  Covered with active volcanoes


Europa-   No craters.   A network of dark  cracks.

Ocean of liquid water covered by ice with cracks in it.


Ganymede     Largest moon of Jupiter

Second largest moon in the  solar system.

Cratered surface like our moon.      Shallow craters ‑‑‑


Callisto  -Lots of craters.

Craters are flattened because ice is not very strong.

One monster impact feature with many concentric rings of frozen blast waves.


Pip‑squeak moons of Jupiter

At least 16 more.

The Rings of Jupiter

Made of dark material which reflects little light.



Slightly smaller than Jupiter

Lowest density of any planet


     High haze obscures surface

Quieter than Jupiter

Made of the same stuff as      Jupiter.

     Heated from within‑‑like Jupiter.

     Magnetic field about 1/20 that of Jupiter.

Interior probably similar to Jupiter but with a smaller core region. 


Moons of Saturn: Interesting oddities

1. Several of the small moons are at Lagrange points of the orbits of larger moons.     

2. Two small moons, Epimethus and Janus, share almost the same orbit.  ‑‑‑the "square‑dancing moons".

3. Prometheus and Pandora have slightly different orbits and shepherd a ring between  them (the F ring). 


Titan, the Venus of moons:

The only moon with a dense atmosphere.

About 1. 5 times the pressure at the surface of the earth.

Five times as deep as ours.

Mostly Nitrogen (like earth) No oxygen or water but lots of methane.

"Planet" of the triple point of methane.   

     The intermediate‑size moons of Saturn

Mimas ‑‑‑ a crater almost    as large as itself.

Enceladus ‑‑‑ polished    like a mirror.

Tethys ‑‑‑ giant fissures    indicate past disruption.

Dione ‑‑‑ the ice‑moon.  

Rhea ‑‑‑ Extensive light‑    colored "splash" probably    made of ice.

Iapetus ‑‑‑ dark on one    side, light on the other.

Hyperion ‑‑‑ large but not    round.

     Phoebe:  The Odd‑ball moon Far out. Orbits the wrong way.


The Rings of Saturn

Only a few kilometers thick.  

Old rings from outer to inner:

"A ring", Cassini's Division, "B ring", "C ring".

The rings consist of millions of tiny ice‑covered moonlets. 

The Cassini Division is caused by orbital resonance with Mimas.  

The Voyager missions showed The rings actually consist of thousands of ringlets. 

Rotating spokes in the B ring appear to contradict Kepler's third law.

     The F‑ring appears to be "braided".   



Uranus ------------------------------

Discovered by Herschel in 1781.   About twice as far out as Saturn.   Orbits the sun once every 84 years. 

Rotation Period 17 hrs.  14 m  

Rotation axis lies almost in the plane of its orbit.  Its south pole is pointing toward the sun  now.

Fifteen satellites and a series of rings orbit in the plane of  the equator.

Composition of Uranus ‑‑‑  Similar to Jupiter (and Saturn) in general

Blue‑green color due to methane in the upper atmosphere.

About 4 times the size of earth

Magnetic field with Magnetic North 60 degrees away from the true North rotation axis pole.

It probably has a rocky core about the size of  earth.

Five major satellites

     Oberon ‑‑‑ outermost

     Titania ‑‑‑ Cliffs

     Umbriel ‑‑‑ Dark surface

     Ariel ‑‑‑ Surface Ice

     Miranda ‑‑‑ innermost

          Circus Maximus

          The "Chevron"

Uranus has eleven known rings, discovered first by the blocking of starlight.



Uranus did not exactly follow the orbit that Newton's Laws predicted.

With enough observations of Uranus, the position of the missing planet was pinpointed.

Neptune orbits about three times as far from the sun as Saturn.

It takes 165 years for Neptune to go around the sun.

In size and apparent composition,  Neptune is a twin to Uranus.

Rotation period‑‑‑ 18. 2 hr

Rotation axis‑‑‑ tilted 29 degrees.

Two major satellites:

Triton ‑‑‑ the largest moon in the solar system.

Orbits backwards and out of Neptune's equatorial plane.  Nereid ‑‑‑ very small.

Very elongated orbit.

 Neptune’s rings are more like thin, dark arcs.



Found in 1930 by using a "blinker"   to detect motion.

Extremely elliptical orbit ‑‑‑ It actually comes closer to the sun than Neptune.   

The orbit is also steeply inclined to the plane in which the other planets orbit.   Its rotation period from brightness variations ‑‑‑ about 6. 39 days.


Has a moon named Charon which orbits Pluto once every 6. 39 days and appears to be about half the

size of Pluto.   About 1/500 the mass of earth.

Pluto and its moon appear to be ice planets.   


Planet X?

The orbit of Neptune is still not exactly right. 

However, an out‑of‑plane planet orbiting far beyond Pluto would be extremely difficult to find and could well be out there.


A S T E R O I D S----------------------------------

     Mostly between the orbits of      Mars and Jupiter.

     Left‑overs from planet formation.

Distributed in a continuous      band with a few gaps ‑‑‑

     Kirkwood's gaps.

     Caused by orbital      resonance with Jupiter.

The largest asteroids:      Ceres  760 km.  diameter

     Pallas 480 km.  diameter.

The total mass of all the

          asteroids is about half the      mass of our moon. 

Nickel‑iron asteroids are

     probably fragments of larger

     objects ‑‑‑ similar to Ceres and

     Pallas ‑‑‑ that were originally

     molten and differentiated so that iron‑nickel cores formed. 

asteroids are made of rock and may come from mantle fragments of larger differentiated objects.

Still other asteroids contain   carbon and volatile compounds.     These were probably never part   of large molten objects.

Trojan Asteroids at the Lagrange points of Jupiter's orbit.

Apollo Asteroids have orbits that cross the orbit of the earth.

A major iron mine in Canada ‑‑‑ the Sudbury Astrobleme may be the remains of an asteroid that hit the earth long ago.

The asteroid Eros passes close to earth.    


C O M E T S ------------------------------------------

Comets belong to our solar system.


The home of comets:

1.  Kuiper Belt just beyond Pluto

2. "Oort's Cloud".  thought to extend from 50,000 AU to 150,000 AU.  

Slingshot of a Comet:

If a comet passes in front of one of the giant planets, the comet

gives up a little energy to the planet and drops into a path with  a fairly short period.   This process creates the periodic

comets.   If a comet passes behind one of the giant planets, then it picks up a sling‑shot effect boost ‑‑‑ the same as Voyager.


C O M E T   S T R U C T U R E----------------

Nucleus ‑‑‑ dirty snowball

Coma    ‑‑‑ gas cloud

Tail ‑‑‑ pushed by sunlight -     The comet's tail always points away from the sun.


The nucleus ‑‑ the original dirty snowball ‑‑ is covered with dust left behind when the ice and frozen gases evaporated.

As the nucleus heats up, it releases jets of gas which can modify the motion of the comet.

By a distance of about 2 AU, (around Mars’ orbit) the pressure of the sun's radiation blows the gas and dust out into a tail.


Actually two tails:  

  Straight tail ‑‑‑ Gas ions

 Curved tail   ‑‑‑ Dust


The light from a comet: Reflected light from the      nucleus and dust tail shows an absorption spectrum.

Fluorescence from the coma and ion tail shows an emission line spectrum.   Eventually the comet breaks up.

The remains form annual meteor showers.


M E T E O R S    M E T E O R O I D S

An interplanetary rock heading toward the earth is a      meteoroid.

As the rock enters our atmosphere and burns up, it is a    meteor.  (the flash of light)

If the rock makes it all the way down and lands then it is a meteorite.

Meteors: Most any night that you look, there will be about 5 or 6 meteors every hour.


Meteor Swarms

     Occasionally the earth passes through a belt of comet debris and there are lots of meteors.   

The meteors in a swarm all seem to come from a particular point in the sky called the radiant.

A meteor swarm is named after the constellation that its radiant is in.

Most meteors are very small and fragile and never reach the ground.

25,000 years ago a big one hit Arizona and left a crater 1. 3 km.  across ‑‑‑ the Barringer Meteorite Crater.


Composition and Origin of Meteorites

  The iron meteorites show evidence

  of very slow cooling over millions   of years ‑‑ in parent meteor bodies.  

The crust and mantle of a parent meteor body would have fragmented to form stony and stony‑iron meteoroids.

The iron core of the parent meteor body would have fragmented to form the iron meteorites.


Some meteors, called carbonaceous chondrites contain volatile

  compounds These meteorites may have formed during the first days of the solar system.

Radioactive dating of meteorites indicates that they were last melted 4. 6 billion years ago.  Other Debris in the Solar System

Interplanetary dust grains cause the Zodiacal light.

The gegenschein is seen at the point in the sky opposite the sun.   It is due to sun light reflected from the dust particles.




Two main types of models

A.   Evolutionary

Solar system condenses out of a cloud of gas and dust.

Planets are normal.

B.   Catastrophic

Something pulls material out of the sun.   This material then condenses to form the planets.

Planets are rare accidents.

The catastrophic models have not been made to work.

One major objection to them is the fragility of deuterium.


Another problem is that hot material pulled from a functioning star tends to disperse rather than condense.    

Evolutionary or Nebular Theory

A dark cloud collapsed.  The original dark cloud was turning

slowly in space.   The contraction speeded up this rotation.

The original dark cloud contained weak magnetic fields.   The collapse carried these fields with it and intensified  them.


Magnetic fields, frozen into the collapsing cloud transferred angular momentum from the center to the outer regions.

With its angular momentum gone, the center of the cloud collapsed and began to heat up as matter fell in on it.

The outer regions of the cloud, formed a ring.   In the hot inner part of the disk, only rock and iron could condense and the terrestrial planets formed.

In the cold, outer part of the disk, water and even some gases could condense easily and objects similar to the present moons of Jupiter and Saturn formed.


In the outer parts of the disk, the newly formed planets swept up much of the remaining gas from the solar nebula and became gas‑giants.  

In the inner parts of the disk, the gravitational attraction of the nearby proto‑sun prevented the new planets from sweeping up much gas, so they remained as solid bodies.   

Jupiter might have gone on collecting gas and increasing its central temperature until it ignited and became a star.  

However, the proto‑sun got there first.   When its nuclear fire ignited, it became a Tau‑ Tauri star.  

Such infant stars generate strong solar winds.

The Tau‑Tauri wind blew the remaining solar nebula away and Jupiter lost its chance to be a star.

Other Planetary Systems    Several dozen have been discovered by the motion of the star.