Millions Ripe for Revival in Pensacola
PENSACOLA - In one of the most spectacular revivals in modern
More than 1.5 million people have attended the revivals at the
Relatively unnoticed by the mainstream secular and religious media, the
This is hard-edged Christianity - the path to hell is paved with If it sounds a lot like the "Jesus Movement" of the '60s, it is.
Only this time, church leaders say, the church is not going to keep its
"People are hungry for a real move of God," said 55-year-old Jay
There is also something more: a shared sense America is in moral Pensacola is the place God has chosen.
"I believe America is ripe for revival," said evangelist Stephen Hill.
America has seen two great moments of religious fervor, in the 18th Emotional worship Hundreds of people lie prostrate, wailing.
"Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy," the choir sings, each time lifting
Heaven. Hell. Heaven. Hell. Two minutes left. Now people are
"Get on your face before God. . . . You've got 40 seconds left, what
Hill and the Rev. John Kilpatrick - the church's pastor - like to say the
One night, a lone trumpeter plays "Reveille" to get people up to the
Another night, children being cared for behind the sanctuary start to
There is not a dull moment. An organist dressed in black with long Troubled roots
Revivalists have long been accused of appealing to emotion rather than
How else to explain how a one-day stop at Brownsville by the
Hill had a troubled youth; at age 21, he was a morphine addict. He
His work took him to Argentina and throughout the United States. But
A thousand people responded to the altar call that first day in June
Each night they decided to go one more night. Word got around.
"I know it's so big, it has to be of the devil or of God," said Shirley It is so big the organized church is sitting up and taking notice.
The Assemblies of God, born in the fires of the Pentecostal movement,
On a recent Thursday night at Brownsville, a silver-haired pastor
God has given the church a second chance at baby boomers who are
"A lot of the older ministers were afraid of the 'Jesus Movement' and Hard-line
A steady stream of people - from unshaven good ol' boys in plaid
Behind them, the congregation is smiling and dancing and singing
They are told strongholds of evil have been broken all over the world
"Kick the devil in the face tonight," says Hill, who has been jumping up
No one preaches a soft Gospel here. Witches and warlocks, smokers
"Those of you who are hung up on love stories need to hear the wrath Here are some examples of the gospel according to Hill:
"Willful ignorance has been the death sentence of thousands of AIDS
"Jews, Buddhists, Muslims and cult members" are particularly singled
"My God is loving, but he also has wrath. There is a time when it is "And America, I'm saying to you tonight, you ain't got a chance."
It is an effective message. So effective that in one recent service, a
"We don't suggest that," Hill said, adding with the perfect timing of a Long-term change?
A screen is removed from the back wall of the sanctuary and the
As a young woman from Mississippi hesitantly steps out to give her
"A week ago Saturday, I came to this revival and I told him to take
How many souls have been saved? Perhaps 100,000, say revival
But in random interviews over a three-day period, no one said they
Studies indicate that many who promise to change their lives slide
And whether it is possible to overcome problems like alcoholism or
But it is clear many attending the revival believe they have been
One by one, as they gave their testimonies during the baptismal When they get home, the changes continue, some said.
Jim Owens of Marion, Ind., said that after his wife came to
Gayla Agnew, 38, said that when she goes back to Lawton, Okla.,
"I love my kids, but I love God more," she said. "When I go back, I'm The believers say the revival can change the world, one life at a time.
"This could usher in an awakening in this country, and in this world," And how long will God move in Brownsville?
"I don't know, friend," says Hill. "I don't know."